Chapter 74: Skulls and Kisses the Journey North soon begins

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Verily as their troth was plighted, Jon looked upon withered Nimloth, and to his astonishment, there sat a silver blossom on the lowest limb Shiera and Ashara gazed at him, no doubt wondering what had drawn his gaze until they too saw the silvery flower.

'Here, a sign from the Valar... Hope is not lost, my loves,' Jon said, taking the flower with reverence.

'What shall you do with that flower, beloved?' Ashara questioned gaily as she clung to Shiera.

'I shall set it in imperishable crystal, and perhaps it shall be an heirloom of our house in the years hence,' Jon said, handing the flower to Shiera, who took it graciously, her eyes wet with tears.

'Jon?' Shiera asked, glancing at that flower in her hands with reverence.

'I'll set it in crystal when we return to Annuminas; for now, I shall leave it in your keeping... My silver dragon...' Jon said, kissing her once more.

'Aha, do not disregard me, my dearest Jon,' Ashara said, breaking away from Shiera and claiming his lips greedily.

They knew not how long they tarried in those gardens, yet duty demanded they return, so with lightened hearts, Shiera and Ashara renewed the healing of those who may yet live and granted Eru's mercy to those who would not live through the night while Jon sought to rejoin Isildur's party.

In that moment, he felt a warm presence and was greeted by the sight of his dearest Galadriel though her glittering eyes betrayed her frustration as this was hardly the time to bare their love to the world.

He looked at her and smiled. 'The day will come when we can show our love shall bloom beneath the sun, my beloved... this I vow....'

'Indeed, my dearest wolf,' said Galadriel. 'One part of our journey is over, and now comes the most trying task; we must help the survivors settle in Minas Anor and follow Isildur northward.'

Jon agreed and wrapped his arm around hers and approached Isildur, who stood admiring his blade most keenly, no doubt desiring a row of orc necks to sharpen its edge; indeed, his son's were of a mind with their father, save Elendur, whose countenance was grim no doubt considering how best to wage this war.

Truly Elendur seemed among his brothers in his strength and wisdom, and his majesty without pride, one of the greatest, the fairest of the seed of Elendil, most like to his grandsire.

It was then his eyes fell upon the soldiery that had accompanied him, and to his horror, he felt the presence of two who should yet remain in Osgiliath.

'It seems both were too stubborn, My Wolf, but they are safe; that is what matters. However, I fear the youngest one will need you.' Galadriel said darkly.

'Undoubtedly, their skill in battle was splendid, but that will not save them from my wrath.' Jon growled, Galadriel did her best to comfort him as they neared the soldiers who, upon seeing them, bowed in reverence, but he cared not for pleasantries; no, Jon's eye was drawn to two knights, the one taller clad in a suit of plate the other in mail and leather alas as they neared the mystery knights they thought to hide among the rabble.

'Men bar those two from leaving. I would have words with them.' Jon demanded grimly, and the soldiers heeding their Prince prevented their two companions from passing, compelling the reluctant knights to stand before them.

'You should take off your helmets... My Ladies,' Said the Daughter of Finarfin mournfully.

Conceding that they had been caught, they cast down the helms of their secrecy, and their tresses, freed from their bonds fell about their shoulders.

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