Chapter 20: Lily of Dorne Dragons of the east

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Jon and his party were approaching the shadow city that lies outside of Sunspear, the seat of House Martell, that bore the emblem of the Rhoynar sun pierced by the Martell's spear.

"So, it's a Dornishmen you need to meet, Jon?" Robar asked as they dismounted their horses and made their way towards Sunspear's main gate.

"I would say more likely a Dornish woman. The daughter of the Prince, I would guess," Jon replied, looking around. A hand holding the reins, and the other on Ghost's back. As they were walking, Jon could see, hear and also feel the judgmental looks of the people, and the murmurs of wonder and hatred they had toward Ghost, firstly because of his great size, and secondly, he was sure was because of the hatred that they may have against the Starks because Rhaegar had shamed princess Elia when he ran off with his Aunt Lyanna.

"What in the seven bloody Hells is that?" came the voice of a woman, and turning to the side, he saw a group of three, sitting under a tent of a merchant quay. The woman that spoke had close-set eyes and rat-brown hair, tied in a knot. She was wearing brown riding leathers that accentuated her long legs and a mottled sand silk cloak of red and gold. She also held a beautiful spear fashioned from Ashwood with a bronze head.

The one on her right was a woman slim and slender as a willow, with olive skin and high cheekbones; her straight black wore in a long braid, which pulls back from a widow's peak. Her eyes were dark, large, and lustrous, while her lips were red as wine and curved in a silken smile.

Instead, the third had golden hair and deep blue eyes, with dimpled cheeks. She was wearing a cream and green gown with long lace sleeves.

"So, Boy? Are you deaf?" she asked, spinning her spear, before

Clearing his throat and glancing at his friend, "He is a Direwolf from the North. My friend, my family."

"And does this friend had a name, Ser?" asked the golden-haired girl, looking at him with great curiosity.

"Yes," replied Jon chuckling, and caressing his companions soft mane. "This boy is named Ghost, and he can be very fearsome when it needs but at the same time gentle and playful."

"Ghost? A fitting name considering how he looks," she said, approaching him, but Ghost bared his fangs, and the girl immediately stopped.

"Why doesn't he growl?"

"Because he is mute," replied Jon, even though he was the only one to really hear him. "That's one of the reasons why I named him Ghost. But may I ask who you are?"

"The Sand Snakes," replied the girl with the angry look, and seeing his confusion, she added, "Never heard about the Sand Snakes of Dorne, boy?"

"He is a knight, Obara. I think it would be proper to address him as 'Ser,'" the slender one said, only to receive a glare and a harsh and sharp reply. "I will address him as I like, Nym."

"I heard about you but never had the pleasure of meeting such a fair maiden," he replied, breaking the tension between them. "However, my name is Jon Snow."

"The famous Jon Snow?" asked the golden-haired one, whom he didn't know the name of yet.

"I would say yes, but may I ask what your name is, my lady?" not really knowing how to address her.

"Tyene Sand, bastard of Prince Oberyn Martell."

"We all are his bastards," replied the girl called Nym, and approaching him, more, she asked this time, "What business brings you here, Ser Jon?" And he could feel the title and the name said like a mockery.

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