Chapter 54: The Rose and Lions

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The Red Keep

Margaery was sitting in her room in the Red Keep as she waited for time to pass until the day of her judgment at the hands of Faith.

Just thinking on the matter caused a great many emotions to well inside of her anger, frustration, anguish, fear, indignation and all because of that horrid woman, her good mother.

Cersei Lannister, that horrid bitch who had done her best to keep her from Tommen, her husband, her third husband, truly.

That made her laugh, although she didn't know if it was for joy or vexation, considering all that had led her to this gilded cage.

Her first husband, Renly Baratheon, was assassinated by his brother's sorcery, although rumours judge that Brienne of Tarth was guilty, something she always considered somewhat absurd as Brienne loved Renly as he loved Loras.

Her first husband died even before she could consummate the marriage how inconsiderate; although Margaery held no real love for Renly, he was still a good man.

Her second husband, Joffrey Baratheon, was without a doubt a monster, a monster disguised as a handsome and courteous Prince, but he had also been a cruel, dull and hopelessly vicious boy. The war that has plagued the country was started by his stupidity so many dead on the whims of that inbred cunt; he also had the habit of torturing innocents and animals for fun, Even so, Joffrey's death was horrid, but Margaery felt no pity as she watched him choke it was rather amusing to see the mad lion turn purple.

Although she was delighted at first that her grandmother's plot had been ruined but then she had thought her grandmother must have planned his death, and when Margaery confronted her, Olenna did not deny it.

"Did you really think that I would let you marry that beast?" Her grandmother said with a sinister smile.

As ambitious and pragmatic as her grandmother was, she cared for her enough to not risk her life for the crown. Margaery was grateful she hadn't shared her bed with that monster Joffrey; there was only one man who was worthy of her bed, her white wolf Jon.

Jon with his dark curly hair, his sharp face and violet eyes that gazed upon her and only her Oh, how she missed him, she missed Jons beautiful voice filling the halls of Highgarden with merry songs, but her grandmother the horrid woman that she was, drove him away and for what? a pretty crown. Despite her situation, Margaery knew how to play the game and mask her intentions, but she almost wept when she remembered Jon.

"Oh Jon, not a single day goes by when I don't think of you and our moments together, everything we went through together ... I know you must curse my name, but my heart is content knowing you are far from this madness ... I hope that one day you can forgive me and if the gods are merciful perhaps we shall be reunited one day. A part of me forever hate my grandmother for parting us, but I know that you would have perished in this terrible war; I wish I could feel your lips on mine one last time, oh Jon, where have you gone? What happened to you?" Margaery thought in misery.

She and her grandmother may have made up to some degree ... But she can never wholly forgive her for forcing her to choose between Jon and her dream of being Queen; she could have had both with a clever plan, or perhaps Margaery desperately clung to that notion so as not to let her sadness over losing Jon consume her alas she had come to accept that her grandmother was right ... King's Landing was no place for a bastard, even one as well-loved as Jon.

The grief she felt from her last meeting with Jon filled her heart with misery; he has never left her thoughts; she often has dreams of him, of the wedding they would have their beloved children, but her dreams of happiness went the way of House Gardener her grandmother and father had seen to that all for a pretty bauble and little power.

Wolf of NúmenorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora