Chapter 10: The Joust Begins

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In their tent, he and Garlan were getting their armour put on for the joust, with Loras keeping them company. They could hear the crowd cheer in anticipation for the jousts to start. He and his squire were putting his breastplate on when Garlan's squire can running in, Garlan sending him to check the lists one last time.

"Ser Jon will be facing against Jaren Frey, Ser Garlan will face William Mooton, and Ser Loras is with Meryn Trant after lunch," the boy said.

"Good, thank you, now help me with my armour," Garlan said, and the squire complied.

"Meryn Trant, not the first choice of a knight of the Kingsguard I want to fight but so be it," Loras said.

"And who would you like to face, the Bold?" Jon asked.

"Why not? The more renowned, the better."

"Sometimes I wonder if you are just pretending to be that arrogant or are you really that arrogant," Garlan told his brother.

"Like you wouldn't like to face a legend like the Bold."

"I would, and I know I would probably end up in the dirt after two or three tilts. If the man can unseat someone like Arthur Dayne or Gerold Hightower, he is no laughing matter."

"I know, I know, I'm just saying I would like to face off against him; I never said that I'm certain I can beat him."

"Looks like the thought of getting his ass thrown into the dirt humbled him somewhat," Jon said, and he and Garlan chuckled.

"Laugh, all you want. I will be in the finals, but we will see about you."

Today, no one arrived in their tent to wish them luck, all doing so before they left the keep. It was because of that that Mira's arrival surprised the three of them.

"Mira?" asked Loras.

"I just came here to wish you luck," Mira said, looking at Garlan first and then at him.

"You already did but thank you for looking out for us," Loras said, sending her an appreciating smile.

She walked over to Jon. "I wish you good fortune out there today, j-just make sure you don't get hurt," Mira said in a pleading tone.

"I won't. You have nothing to worry about."

"I know, but still, I can't help to be worried for you," Mira said, her eyes sparkling slightly.

Then Loras spoke, "Jon come on, we have to go, the joust will start soon," Jon looked at Loras and then at Mira again.

"Take care out there and show them what a northerner can do," Mira said.

"I will," Jon said as he put on his helm and exited the tent leaving Mira there. He knew something was off about what just happened bit right now; he did not have time to think about it; the joust will be starting in mere moments.

They arrived at the stable where their horses were already saddled by the two squires, Jon's brown destrier Winter and Garlans yellow steed, both bred by Willis.

"Ready Ser Jon," said Will.

"Good, thank you, Will, let's get going," Jon and Garlan mounted their horses and rode towards the tiltyard, Loras walking with the two squires behind them.


They were sitting in their stand nervously, anticipating the beginning of the jousting. In actuality, she was nervous while her father and her friends were excited, including Jon's sisters while his father sat silently beside hers just as he did the day before, a grim expression on his face, but she could see it in his eyes he was worried as well. Mira arrived and sat next to her, a happy smile on her lips as she looked on.

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