Chapter 59: The Lady of light and a journey East

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Half a century had passed since Jon Snow, also known now as Baelon Targaryen, chose to dwell among the mighty Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, and he had learnt much from the children of Aulë, fashioning objects of great beauty out of diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire.

After his decades spent in Durin's Halls, Jon was confident he was as great a smith as any man of Númenor; the Dwarves were harsh masters that did not suffer fools nor those too weak to learn their craft and Jon revealed in their teachings fashioning many beautiful things from metal and stone.

Loras and Robar had stayed by his side for some time before the love of Arnor called them home, and so was Jon alone in Khazad-Dûm, although sometimes Loras and Robar venture to the Dwarven kingdom and join their brother in tests of strength and arms.

At the beginning of his apprenticeship, he was joined by his lady loves and family, who were eager to gaze upon the halls of Durin and those who had not ventured there before marvelled at the vast Mansion of the Longbeard's, especially the fabled forges of the dwarves. Shiera and Sansa had begged him to procure them some jewellery in Shiera's case, Jon gifted her a necklace wrought of silvered steel and set with half a hundred sapphires and twice as many emeralds, and for his dear Sansa a tiara of silver set with seven sapphires the size of hen's eggs.

Jon had taken his loves and cousins to gaze upon the West Gate of the Kingdom. All were enraptured by its beauty of the Ithilden so much so that Shiera and Rhaella wept, Sansa and Arya could scarcely believe such beauty was wrought by mortal hands and asked Jon if he could perhaps forge a gate of such beauty alas, he was averse to tell them the secret of its creation was only known to Celebrimbor and King Narvi who had perished in the Wars against Sauron.

Arya and Rhaenys, for their part, only coveted things from the armoury, but Jon was adamant Arya claim no weapons except by leave of Glorfindel.

That deeply irritated Arya, but there was little she could do save challenge Jon to a duel, and while the young wolf had become a splendid swordswoman, Jon was far more skilful trouncing her each time.

Those constant defeats and the desire to impress her love only motivated Arya to practice with Glorfindel until her shoulder and arm were bruised a dark purple from the sparring. She wanted to teach her cousin a lesson not to disparage her just for being a woman and that she was no meek little girl; sadly, for Arya, her beloved cousin hadn't shirked from his training either.

The young Targaryen knew that the Dwarves had ever placed great value on skill at arms, particularly the wielding of hammers and axes, so when he wasn't at the forge, Jon sparred with the Everguard of King Durin he had no intention of being outmatched by his brothers in arms he couldn't bear their boasting if he had.

Alas, all good things must end, and soon his lady loves, and family desired to return to Annúminas, so with bitter tears, they bayed Jon farewell though not before his loves shared a night of passion with him.

It was a beautiful memory he wouldn't soon forget, but alas, a Targaryen alone in the world is a terrible thing.

Although it had been many years, Jon had kept abreast of the news in Arnor, and it seemed Arya had become a splendid warrior though he doubted she could best him.

At first, the young Targaryen was grieved though his loves had cautioned him that life in the mines was no life for them for many years. Jon thought to return to Arnor, but he knew in his heart that this would be a grave insult to King Durin and so busied himself with the lore of mining and smithing, hoping to comfort his aching heart.

Though it wasn't so grim on many occasions, he was visited by Glorfindel and Lord Elrond, who were rather amused that he had lived among the dwarves so long as they weren't known for their table manners nor their cleanliness.

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