Chapter 48: Heartache and love

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After a few hours, the entire camp was dismantled, and they set off Northward for Isengard, where his companions and lady loves were preparing to defend the Tower of Orthanc and the Palantiri within.

Jon knew that they had to hurry to repel the invasion, and although his mind was drawn to the battle, he couldn't help but notice the queer feeling that had spread among his companions, and he knew he was the reason.

Since his "meeting" on the beach with Lady Galadriel and his confession to Írimë, his relationship with the Lady of Light had considerably cooled.

Lady Galadriel has not looked him in the eye or spoken to him since then; in fact, she has not even wanted to stay in the same room with him unless it involves matters of chief importance, and yet the Council had hardly concluded before she stormed away as if she was eager to be rid of him, and Írimë has not left him alone in the presence of her niece since then.

This had caused Jon no end of misery; it had caused a notable rift between aunt and niece; it had destroyed the trust that they in the other, and while Jon knew he wasn't in his right mind, it didn't excuse his actions.

At least he hoped that his lie would soften the blow of his betrayal, and it seemed so although Írimë and Galadriel spoke quite often, Jon felt the forced courtesy of his beloved Írimë and the guilt in Lady Galadriel's voice each time they.

He had intensely kissed the Lady Galadriel, the wife of Lord Celeborn and niece of his beloved Írimë, Jon had developed a great love for women, but he held a sense of honour, Jon would never bed a married woman he had no desire to become like his ancestor Aegon IV".

Up to now...

He had tried to forget his passionate encounter with the Lady of Edhellond, but her very being had consumed his soul; he was enchanted by her. She was fairer than any who now walked this earth; it was no mere expression of lust of that Jon was sure.

There was something in her that he could not ignore, but he did not know what it was, but somehow his body and his soul did know it since when Lady Galadriel approached him, he could feel as if fire course through his veins, and he had noticed that he could discern her presence whether she was near or far as if their souls were bound as one.

Jon did not know what that meant, but he knew in his heart that this was no mere coincidence; her spirit was familiar to him, warm and loving as if he had known of it for some time.

What Jon knew of Lady Galadriel he had learned chiefly from the last days in the Grey Havens she was held in high regard by all Lords of the Nodor for her wise counsel and great beauty.

Since then, although the Lady Galadriel had treated him rather cruelly though he held no ill will towards her, Jon had stayed far from the Lady of Light out of courtesy though it pained him to do so as he wished to know more of her life and upbringing.

And above all, Jon was a determined and curious man.

Lord Cirdan described Lady Galadriel as "The most powerful and beautiful of all the Elves who remain in Middle Earth" as well as the "Most beautiful of the House of Finwë".

Something that Jon could not deny, though he believed his beloved Lawlen was as fair as her niece.

Jon knew that the Lady of Light was born in Valinor as a member of the Royal House of the Noldor; when a fourth child was born to Finarfin, prince of the Noldor, and Eärwen, princess of the Teleri, her father named her Artanis, which is "noblewoman". " Galadriel was the greatest of the Noldor, except Fëanor maybe, though she was wiser than he, and her wisdom increased with the long years."

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