Chapter 45: The March south begins

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After finishing the meeting of the King's Council, some returned to their obligations, but those who received orders from the kings left the great hall and prepared to gird themselves for war and to say goodbye to their loved ones as many would not return.

The circumstances were laughable, he had planned to return to Annúminas to ask the king for a permanent position in the City under his direct command so that he could spend time with them and not end up like Tar-Aldarion and his wife Erendis did ... And now he would have to go south, away from them again ... Probably for long months.

If the situation were not dire enough by the possible theft of the Palantiri and an invasion by those sallow men, Jon would laugh at his bad luck, but his discipline and his sense of duty prevented him from complaining.

However, Jon still had two days before he must journey southwards, and he knew that he could conclude his business in the city and still have time to bid farewell to his lady loves as it would be many months before he saw them again it seems fate is rather cruel now he must march against the host of Mordor while those whom he loves to linger here in doubt of his safe return.

Jon was convinced that Arianne and Rhaenys would go with him. No matter how much he tried to persuade them to stay in Annúminas where they would both be safe, but little could dissuade them, through their veins flowed the blood of Nymeria the conqueror for whom countless sonnets and tales are written she was said to have cunning, skill, and wisdom and Rhaenys and Arianne were far more in likeness to her than any of their ancestors.

After that, Jon's thoughts drifted to Dany, Lalwen, Shiera and Ashara, Dany was fierce in her own way, no doubt, but at the same time, she was not a warrior like Arianne and Rhaenys... maybe I can convince her to stay, as, for Shiera and Ashara, Jon knew perfectly well that they would have no desire to march to war and would remain without much prodding or pleading, and his dear Írimë... She was just as fierce as a dragon and twice as haughty, but she was much wiser than Shiera and Ashara; Jon hoped that his beloved rose wouldn't follow him to battle as he would forgive himself should she come to harm, although she had set out in search of him when he fought the dragon, so Jon could not be entirely sure what Lalwen will do when he rides to war.

"Is something wrong, Jon?" Robar said when he saw his brother in arms, lost in his thoughts.

"Yes, brother, I'm afraid so ... I'll have to tell Arianne and the others that I'm going to war, and I'm afraid they will wish to accompany me," Jon said with fear in his voice, and Robar sighed.

"Yes, I already knew it would be something like this ... Your lovers are very bellicose women, Princess Arianne, and Princess Rhaenys will certainly come with us," said Robar.

"I'm afraid, Robar, I haven't the heart to see them upon the fields of war. I know they are mighty, but a shadow grips my heart as if we are walking into the lion's den," Jon said wearily as Loras and Robar each put a hand on Jon's shoulders.

"Well, in that case ... Let's put our affairs in order ... So you can spend time with them .. the more time you spend with them, the better", Loras said.

"Yes, we must share the king's council with the soldiers," Jon said wearily.

The rest of the day was laborious and demanding; the Westerosi trio had to inform the master of arms along with the knights of the palace who hurried to prepare themselves for the journey southwards to the bay of Belfalas where they shall meet the elves of Dor-en-Ernil before marching north to Isengard.

Upon hearing the news about a possible war, many soldiers, especially veterans, were dismayed at having to leave their homes, but the youngest, fresh-faced and stout of hearts, were filled with joy at the thought of slaying the foul men of the east and gaining renown beyond measure.

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