Chapter 60: The Journey to the Vinter court

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Galadriel was on the grand porch gazing East as the sun rose above the mountains; the air was pleasantly warm, and the scent of flowers filled the air though she was not alone as her daughter had thought to accompany her this morning and was preparing tea.

It was rather queer to Celebrian her mother had gained a taste for tea, or rather a particular blend that was unknown to her, but she was adamant about discerning the proper mixture.

"It's set, mother," said Celebrian smiling, offering a cup of hot tea to her mother, who took it with a smile.

"Thank you, daughter," Galadriel said before taking a sip of her tea, all the while her daughter looked at her expectantly.

"It's delightful," Galadriel said with a smile.

And it was; the tea brewed by her daughter was much pleasanter than hers but not as good as the one Jon had prepared for her once she had yet to ask him how he brewed it, but she would today.

Mother and daughter chatted happily, letting go of their sorrows as Celeborn's death was ever on their minds, and they knew that many centuries would pass before they could speak of him without weeping.

However, Galadriel heart was filled with joy for the love she felt for Jon had helped her cope with the bitter loss of Celeborn.

However, her thoughts had strayed now to the night of passion that Jon had shared with her beloved aunt before the eyes of gods and men they were bonded.

And though she felt joy knowing her aunt had found such love, some portion of her spirit felt fierce jealousy as she yearned to lay with Jon as her husband to be in the arms of her beloved wolf, but now she faced a rather cruel hardship.

Her daughter Celebrian stared at her eyes filled with love but also faintest suspicion.

The Lady of Light knew that her daughter was much wiser than she appeared, as even Elrond heeded her counsel when she gave it. Celebrian would notice the joy in her heart and wrongfully assume that she felt no sadness at the loss of Celeborn, but that was a mere lie, Galadriel mourned the death of Celeborn deeply, and the annulment of her marriage was the bitterest of poisons, but Galadriel knew she had found love again though she feared her daughters' ire.

That is why Galadriel had kept her oblivious about her feelings for Jon, but she had begun to suspect that Celebrian knew of the love they shared still if her daughter had known she had said nothing on the matter, and that disheartened Galadriel.

Galadriel was terrified of the resentment that her daughter could have when knowing that her mother was smitten with the wild wolf, and if Celebrian behaved as Feanor had done, her heart would surely break; she could not bear losing her beloved daughter and prayed to the Valar Celebrian would not be parted from them.

In addition, he had not yet informed him that the Valar had annulled his marriage to Celeborn at his request. Her father's death was still very fresh in her soul, and Celebrian still did not know the circumstances of his death; if she discovered her father would not leave those Halls until the breaking of Arda, it would be a wound that few could bear.

But Galadriel knew that she should tell the truth to her daughter soon; Celebrian deserved to see the truth in her mother's heart, only she had no inkling how to best handle the quandary, how would she tell her beloved daughter that although her father would ever be in her heart, she had fallen for another.

Unknown to the Lady of Light, her daughter Celebrian already knew her affection for the young wolf, having known for some time though she dared not speak of it, for the valley of Imladris had many wandering eyes and ears, not all of them pleasant.

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