Chapter 63: Of Treasures and Oaths the Flaming Star is found

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Jon and Galadriel strolled through the streets of Caras Sant, and though the city was the fairest in the East, it seems none could escape the ravages of war; the walls were reduced to rubble, and those buildings nearest the battlements were blackened by soot and flame.

The streets were lined with many people, those too old or too young to fight, and they cried aloud or wept. For the enemy had felled many of their kinsmen on this day.

"Tis cruel that such a fate should befall these people," Jon thought compassionately.

"Do not despair, my beloved wolf, that if it were not for your arrival and that of your dragon, this City would have fallen," Galadriel said lovingly.

Although she was still furious at him for forcing her to stay out of battle.

But she would have Jon answer for that foolishness later.


After many hours of walking through the city, they were brought to a grand mansion upon the hill; it was carved from white stone and surrounded by high walls covered in ivy, grapes, and climbing roses.

However, before entering the palace, they were stopped at the gate by an elder guard with beetling black eyes and a hooked nose; his voice was akin to that of a bullfrog, but it commanded respect.

"This is the mansion of the Vinter Lord while inside you must show courtesy as befits your lineage and make no mention of the Easterlings, my Lord Hawain has heard enough about them foul folk to last a lifetime, I reckon, and it won't do you any good to be stirring up trouble."

After the guard had concluded his speech, the great gates were opened, and they stepped into the courtyard and were greeted by a wondrous sight; there stood a silent company of tall statues graven of bronze, many of them men, but there were elves among them, some clad in armour others in rich robes of purple indeed they were so carved many would think they could walk off their plinths.

"It seems to me that these are the past Vinter Lords though I hadn't thought to find Elves among them," Jon thought as he took his beloved Galadriel by the arm acting as her escort, much to her delight.

In this way, they toured the halls of Hawain, and the young Targaryen could perceive the influence of the Elves in the building of this palace.

"It seems the Dorwinion's are quite skilled in the art of masonry, though", said Jon judging the architecture of that place; while Galadriel laughed, it seems her beloved was discerning as a dwarf.

Galadriel's mind wandered in those moments, knowing how childish she acted when she was with Jon.

Such acts were inappropriate for Noldor, notably one of her age, but Jon had withered away the weariness of age and made her feel as if she was a maiden of Valinor again.

She did not understand why she felt such levity. Still, it was wondrous to feel the splendours of youth again. Unfortunately, she and her brothers were doomed to mature ere their time, leading their kin in exile and fighting a doomed rebellion that cursed all her kin.

A curse that she still suffered though her time with Jon had made it far simpler to bear.

The Lands beyond Valinor had become wearing as if a great burden was laid upon her shoulders, a burden bore by Celeborn and Celebrian though they did little to soothe her weariness, but now with Jon by her side, she felt as if the curse had been lifted.

Just as she had healed the spirit of her wild wolf, he to had healed hers.

But she must put aside those thoughts for now as she noticed Jon was staring at her, no doubt wondering why she had giggled.

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