Chapter 66: The Return to Annuminas

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When she awoke many hours later, Galadriel's first feeling was a pleasant warmth upon her cheek. At first, she thought it was merely a dream, and then the memories of last night came rushing back.

After so long, she and Jon had consummated their love and bonded as husband and wife.

"I can scarcely believe I was merely content to watch my beloved and rather than share in his passions," Galadriel thought, feeling quite foolish for having waited so long to surrender herself to Jon.

Just remembering everything she did last night filled Galadriel with both joy and shame in equal measure; she had given in to her fierce lust and committed acts of such debauchery if any should find out, they would never see her as the Lady of Light again.

And yet, she cared little for the opinions of others so long as she had Jon were together.

Covering her naked body with the sheets, she began to kiss her lover's neck with fervour leaving a mark on him, and she was soon overcome with the scent of her beloved and wanted to claim every part of Jon's body for herself. He may have the love of many in his heart, but she will ensure that her aunt Ìrimë and herself become the dearest to her wild wolf.

But for the moment, Galadriel will enjoy caressing every part of Jon's body ... Marking it as her possession because he was hers.

Something she shall make clear to Jon's mortal loves as she had no intention of being parted from her wild wolf again.


Due to the caresses of the beautiful elf, his wild wolf began to wake up, and Jon got up to see Galadriel kissing his neck.

"Good morning, Jon," Galadriel said happily before laying a chaste kiss upon his lips.

"Morning, my Star of the West", Jon said, returning her kiss with tenderness.

"Last night, my wolf was wonderful," Said the beautiful elf with a radiant smile.

"It was ... It was ..." Jon tried to say but having shared the bed with the fairest of the House of Finwë was too much, and he merely smiled in happiness.

"I know my fool Jon," Galadriel said, teasing her wolf until his face had turned scarlet.

"According to the laws of your people, now I'm married to you and Lalwen, "Jon said proudly, drawing her closer to his chest.

"I know ... That fills you with pride, doesn't it?" Galadriel questioned, kissing Jon's chest.

"Aye, it fills me with pride to know I snared the hearts of such fair maidens you and Lawlen are as dear to me as the stars of the heavens," Jon replied, delighting in her scent and warmth.

"Thank you for your words, my beloved, but as I already told you, you are the only one among all the Atani worthy of my aunt and me. Thank you for loving us as you do," Galadriel said, gazing at him with fierce love.

Seeing the love in her eyes, he was overcome with a furious desire and placed a kiss upon her brow.

Laughing merrily, Galadriel began to kiss Jon, and he, in turn, took her by the hips and soon they were consumed by their passions again.

"Alas, Soon I will return to Annúminas and you to Imladris ..." Jon said sadly, but Galadriel kissed him again.

"Only for a short time, I intend to return to Edhellond to put my Kingdom in order and when I am sure that it will be in the hands of a competent Castilian ... I intend to live with you in Annúminas ... And I am sure that my Aunt shall accompany me, "Galadriel said vexedly knowing how jealous her aunt was in regards to their love.

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