Chapter 26: Journey begins

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The next morning

They were taken to the training yard where the Knights of Westeros were preparing to test their skills against Glorfindel, who watched them intently analyzing every movement of their bodies.

The elves had brought them everything they needed, armor, shields, and swords ... It had really been so long since they fought someone other than themselves that they already felt as if they were out of practice.

All the ladies were seated next to Cirdan at a table with wine and some sandwiches as they prepare to watch Jon, Loras, and Robar cross swords with Glorfindel.

"Do you think you can beat Glorfindel?" Daenerys asked, worried about Jon.

"I don't know, I've never seen an elf fight, and it seems that Glorfindel is a respected warrior," Rhaenys said, staring at the training ground.

"He is; Glorfindel is one of the most venerated heroes of the First Age mainly for his heroic defense of Gondolin," Cirdan said, taking a sip of wine.

"He fought against the armies of Morgoth when they entered the city; that's what we heard from him," Shiera said, worried about Jon as the feeling of unease did not leave her.

"Yes, but it is more than that, Glorfindel achieved great renown for slaying a Balrog of Morgoth singlehandedly, that earned him the greatest renown among my people and eternal glory because it is said that only with an army can one hope to beat a demon of might but he defeated it alone, using only his skill with the sword. " Cirdan praised Glorfindel to the surprise of his guests.

"He defeated a Balrog?" Princess Arianne exclaimed clearly shocked recalling the lessons about the history of the Elves during which they were taken to a room with different paintings showcasing glorious and tragic events in their history, in one such painting It showed huge monsters made of fire more akin to volcanos that living creatures, their tutors had given them a brief description of the dark creatures that made up the armies of Morgoth and none terrified them more than the Balrogs, they had enormous wings like some great bat, tails that ended in flickering flames, these creatures were quite tall easily capable of shattering the gates of Kingslanding and They were wreathed in flames and carried great battle-axes and whips of fire into battle, the first time they saw the illustration of those things without knowing what they really were , the mere image transmitted terror to the travelers of Westeros since according to their guardians the greatness the Balrogs had when they were Maias had been twisted and corrupted by the wickedness of the master Morgoth.

"It's about to start," Said a nervous Shiera bringing Arianne back to reality.

Glorfindel drew his sword, and Jon and the others did the same; it was then that Westeros' warriors surrounded the Elf who calmly remained in the center. The first to attack was Loras, who tried to hit Glorfindel with a slash of his sword on the left shoulder, but the Elf dodged him gracefully, and Loras tried to press forward with several more strikes, but he could not avoid the swift sword of Glorfindel and received a cut on his forearm causing him to scream in pain.

Next came the young Vale knight, Glorfindel picked up a large shield and began to taunt Robar. The young knight charged and began to exchange blows with Glorfindel, but it soon became clear that the Elf was toying with Robar, and in a flurry of strikes, he knocked down the knight of Vale who still shocked, could do nothing but accept his loss.

It was there that Loras again launched himself against Glorfindel, who managed to repel each blow of the sword and in a quick movement of his shield hit Loras's hand, making him drop his blade, leaving him defenseless; Loras recovered quickly and tried to attack Glorfindel again, but the Elf was ready and used his sword in his right hand to block the blow and then with a shield strike broke Loras guard, and although Robar managed to stop the second blow he could not dodge the incoming sword strike once again Loras was disarmed.

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