Chapter 31: Celebrations and Revelations

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Everyone was watching the meeting between Jon and the girls and with rapt attention, nobody knew who they were, just their names .. Sansa and Arya. At that moment, Robar approached Loras.

"I know that the maiden with red hair must be a Trout; there is no mistaking that Tully colouring, but who is the other one? She looks like a drowned squirrel," said Robar humorously.

"The squirrel is Jon's youngest sister, Arya Stark," Said the flower knight, surprised to see the ladies of Winterfell so far from home.

Upon hearing Loras's words, those who did not know the girls' identity were surprised because it was only by the blessings of the Valar could any traveler hope to reach the Grey Havens.

It was there that Jon finally let go of his sisters and, with a tearful face, stood them up.

"How did you come to these shores?" Jon said, happy to see his sisters again.

"Oh, big brother, It was truly horrible; the kingdoms are in a state of chaos, and our family was scattered to the winds... Ever since those bastards executed father... I have been a captive of the Lannisters," Sansa said, clinging to Jon with all her strength, clearly traumatized from her experiences in that wretched den of Lions.

"And I wandered through the Riverlands after escaping from the city I was heading north hoping to join Robb's army," Arya said, embracing Jon with even more fervor as if letting him go would cause him to disappear.

"I want you to tell me everything ... But alas, this isn't the place for that type of conversation as we have attracted quite a gathering," Jon said with amusement, and they both laughed.

"Yes, Lord Cirdan has been very kind to us since we arrived; he gave us shelter and food," Sansa said.

"Very well then ..." Jon stood up as he separated himself from his reluctant sisters and bowed before the master of the Havens.

"I thank you for taking care of my sisters, my Lord, I owe you a great deal, and now I owe you for a debt that cannot be repaid Jon said, looking at his mentor and guardian with gratitude. But the Lord of the Havens rebuked him with a smile.

"You own me nothing, Jon, I only comply with the Valar's wishes ... Now I know that you and your sisters will have a great deal to discuss, but it is better that you do it away from prying eyes ... you have drawn a crowd," Cirdan said amused by the scene that the trio had caused they were being eyed by half a hundred elves who were intrigued by the fair maidens from the outer lands, which caused Jon, Sansa, and Arya to blush to everyone's amusement.

With Cirdan's words, the newcomers prepared to enter the White Tower excited to tell the wonders they saw in the kingdom of Khazad-Dûm without noticing the air of sadness that the Lord of the Gray Havens and the three noble Ladies of Westeros emanated at the thought of the tragic news Jon would receive.


Everyone was in Cirdan's study with Sansa and Arya to Jon's right and left while the others took seats that the servants brought for them; that's when Cirdan took his place in front of his desk and sighed wearily.

"I know that you are eager to recount the tale of your journey to the Mansions of Khazad-dum... But please wait until Jon's sisters had recounted their tale", Cirdan said with much regret as he imagined the anguish it would cause the young knight, but thought that it was far better to swallow this bitter poison sooner rather than later, recalling the look of despair upon the face of Shiera when he recounted the fall of her kindred ... Well, that was a terrible day.

Upon hearing Cirdan's grim tone, all the newcomers began to worry, especially Glorfindel, who had not seen Cirdan with such a countenance since the day that Numenor fell beneath the waves.

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