Chapter 50: Departure of the wolf

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Loras and Jon flew towards the tower of Orthanc with all due haste though it seems the counsel of Glorfindel was trustworthy upon the death of the Black Easterling, his kindred fled the field.

"Did you capture the siege engines?" Jon asked weakly.

"Shhh ... Save your strength, we harried them at the mouth of the valley and drove back the cavalry before setting the siegecraft ablaze," Loras said, concerned.

"Good ..." Jon said though his voice was far weaker, which filled Loras's heart with dread.

"By Erú, I already lost my dear Renly to the foul sorceries of that red whore ... I don't want to lose my brother too ... Loras thought, horrified at the prospect.

As if reading their thoughts, the Gryphon flew with all due haste, and soon they were at the base of the tower upon entering; Loras was greeted with the sight of a half dozen healers as well as Ashara and Shiera and Írimë who were tended the wounded and boiling herbs.

"HELP!" Loras shouted; Shiera and Ashara saw Jon, and terror filled their hearts when they saw the battered body of their beloved pierced by many black-feathered arrows.

"JON!" The three maidens shouted in horror, rushing to help their beloved.

"What happened?" Ashara yelled, leading them to a stretcher.

"Jon duelled the leader of this host ... One of the nine Nazgûl," Loras said grimly as the eyes of the three Ladies widened in surprise and horror.

"How?" A horrified Shiera asked as she ground Athelas in boiling water, hoping to tend Jon's wounds.

"I don't know how Jon came to fight against that abomination, I led the vanguard outside the valley to shatter their siege engines, when the Easterlings fled, I hurried to Jon's side in time to witness the demise of the Nazgûl it seemed his thralldom to Sauron was broken and he was reduced to ash. It seems the magic of Ringil was fare greater than the ring of the Easterling, alas Jon was wounded, and his Gryphon brought us here, "Loras said, speaking frantically as Jon's lovers fought to save him.

They were surprised by the Knight of the Flowers tale, though they gave it little thought as they used all manner of poultices and herbs hoping to save their beloved alas; it was no use he was pierced with many black-feathered arrows;.

"Alas, this I bring more grim tidings," Loras said with a saddened face as he avoided their tearful gaze.

"What happened?" Irimë asked with worry before plucking another arrow from Jon's side.

Loras didn't respond immediately but instead clenched his fists and steeled himself.

"Loras?" Írimë asked, her heart filled with woe.

"Lord Celeborn is dead ..." Said the youngest son of House Tyrell, and Lady Írimë wept bitter tears.

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