Chapter 35: Battles, passion and the song of ages

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After speaking with King Gil-galad Jon and his companions returned to the room that he had been given in Harlond and everyone was surprised to see it ... Jon's room was much grander than theirs.

"By the Valar Jon ... The best is always given to you" Loras said enviously.

"What can I tell you Loras ... I'm irresistible," Jon said mocking Loras.

An uncomfortable silence filled Jon's room because being alone, they did not know what to discuss. Or how to approach the fact that he is Rhaegar's son.

"Very well," Jon said suddenly to everyone's confusion.

"Jon?" Arianne asked, confused.

"My time at Tol Morwen ... It helped me understand the story of my origin ... but that won't ease the burden of my heart, I just want to move on," Jon said without a care.

"Just like that?" Rhaenys asked in surprise.

"It will take time, but it's better to make an effort than to let bitterness and pain consume us ... Don't you think so. my dear sister?" Jon said with a slight smile while Rhaenys was surprised that he called her that.

"Jon ..." Rhaenys started to say.

"My name is not Jon," He said to everyone's shock.

"But if that's your name," Sansa said surprised.

"You are Jon, you are our brother no matter what the others say," Arya said with wet eyes.

"Thank you, but Lord Ulmo told me that 'Jon Snow' is not my real name," Jon said with annoyance.

"And what is your true name?" Shiera asked arching an eyebrow.

"I have no idea, he wouldn't tell me even when I asked," Jon said.

"So can we keep calling you Jon?" Robar asked.

"Yes, I do not care to know my birth name ... Being" Jon Snow "is who I am, who I have been all my life ... It would be strange to have another name" answered Jon with a chuckle.

"Seeing as how you're a Targaryen, should we call you 'Prince Jon'?" Loras asked with amusement.

"I would rather you not Loras, I have no interest in being a Prince," Jon said seriously.

"But that is who you are," Rhaella said seriously, despite being happy that Jon wasn't consumed by the pain and bitterness, she was getting annoyed at Jon's lack of seriousness for discovering that he was a Targaryen.

"I am not a Prince. As far as we know, my parents did no wed before the seven or the old, my father was still married to Princess Elia, let me be a Stark bastard rather than a Targaryen. I know I seem to be a cynic, but I see no difference between my current situation and now ... Only that my last name should be "Sand", and I honestly prefer "Snow."

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