Chapter 5: Battles, Bastard and Bitching Lions

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As he and Loras exited his father's solar, he could not help but smile at his friend, Loras seemingly jumping with excitement. The conversation took an odd turn when Loras mentioned Arthur Dayne and his father looking at him as if he just insulted Robert or Jon Arryn, but he understood that Arthur Dayne was one of the most honorable men to ever live in Westeros, so no one should mock him. The conversation took a turn for the better moments later when Jon changed the subject, and it seemed to work; in the end, Loras and his father seemed to get along just fine, which he was glad for, Loras maybe even more than he.

"Do you want to go grab something to eat before we spar?" asked Loras.

"No, I think that I will try to find Sansa," replied Jon.

"As you wish, good luck."

"Thank you, I'm going to need it." As the two parted ways, Jon went to see if Sansa is at her lessons with the septa. As he went to the room, he heard septas voice speaking to Sansа and then chastising Arya for something she had done. Jon remembered his time at Winterfell and how the septa would treat him; she was not much better than lady Catelyn. Now, as he stood leaning at the entrance of the room looking at his two sisters, he could not help but smile. Septa might have hated him, but at least she is good with them. He knocked on the door, which made the septa turn her attention from Sansa's embroidery to him.

"My lord," she said. Both Sansa and Arya turned to look at him.

"Hey there," Jon said.

"Jon!" shouted Arya quickly got up from her chair and ran to hug her brother. Jon could see that the septas look turned from welcoming to one of disgust.

"Hello, there, little wolf."

"What are you doing here?" the little girl asked excitedly.

"I just came to see what you and your sister were doing."

"Septa Mordane is making me do embroidery."

"Every proper southern lady should know how to do embroidery." said the septa.

"Well, I'm not a southerner nor a lady," said Arya, which made the septa grimace.

"You should take your lessons, little wolf; they are important," said Jon.

"But they are boring. I would rather train with Syrio."

"Well, both kinds of lessons are important, the one the septa teach and ones that Syrio does," Jon said this but wasn't sure if he really meant it. He disliked the septa as much as she did him, and to be honest, she was a preacher of a foreign religion, which northerners did not look kindly to.

"Forgive me, septa, but I wished to speak with my sister. Alone."

"That is not possible; they are having their lessons now." the septa said in a dismissive tone.

"Our father has given me permission." she glared at him for a moment before relenting and nodding. "Arya, go with the septa."

"But you said you wanted to talk."

"Yes, I did, but I want to talk with Sansa."


"If you give us some time to talk, I promise that I will bring you to my next sparing session with Loras." Her eyes went from disappointed to excite as she looked at him.

"You promise."

"Aye, I promise."

"Fine, I will leave you two to talk," Arya said and exited with the septa. Jon watched as the two left before turning his gaze to Sansa.

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