Chapter 65: The Wolf and the Maiden

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Great Greenwood

After some nights of hard forging and little rest, Jon lastly felt ready to show the fruits of his labour to the Greenwood Court.

A fair necklace of white gems that seem to have captured the splendour of the autumn moon and shone so fiercely the halls of Oropher was filled with a silvery glow so much so that many thought Tilion had graced their halls with his fair presence.

"They are beautiful," King Oropher said, regarding the gems with keen interest.

Jon smiled, pleased that his talents were praised by one such as Oropher.

"I have never seen such fair work wrought by the hands of men," Prince Thranduil said, glancing at the white gems with fierce longing.

"To receive such praise from one who had seen the beauties of Doriath that is high praise indeed Prince Thranduil," Jon said humbly.

Upon seeing the necklace, there was much debate among the nobles of the court as to whether he was indeed a common man or perhaps one of the Maia given a mannish shape.

The latter amused him greatly, for he was nought but an evil thing in his homeland, a creature of lust and shame whose crime was not committed for himself, yet here he was a mighty lord of men and well-loved by many of worthy countenance.

"Fear not beloved; you have shown your worth many times over," Galadriel said, gazing at him with fierce pride.

"Thank you, my "Star of the West" those lands hold many bitter memories, and I fear it shall be many more years till all is forgotten," Jon said grimly.

Galadriel merely smiled. "Of that, we're certain, my beloved, but you're stronger, and soon you shall forget the bitterness of those memories".

Yet a shadow clouded her heart and feared Jon would never be wholly free of those cursed lands.

"Oh, in my heart, I feel that the day will come when my aunt and I will be the first of our people to see those lands ... Those lands in which our love suffered so much at the hands of those petty lords," Galadriel thought in melancholy.


"It seems tales of your talents spoke truly Baelon Targaryen," Oropher said before handing the necklace back to Jon.

"Thank you, King Oropher .." Jon said before placing it into a wooden strongbox gifted to him by the King.

"Now, what shall you do, Jon?" Thranduil asked curiously.

"I will return to Imladris and remain there for a time, then I will journey to Khazad-dûm and learn all I can from Enerdhil writings," Jon replied.

Thranduil stared at him queerly before speaking again. "Your choice seems strange do you not desire to return to the northern realm after so many years away?"

Aye, my heart yearns to see the silvered spires of Annúminas to watch the sunrise upon the shores of the Evendim, alas I shall scarcely learn what I desire in Arnor so I fear I must delay my return a while longer and learn all I may from these tomes," Jon replied grimly.

"And you've no fear of arousing Elendils ire?" King Oropher asked with an amused smile.

"I've no doubt Elendil will be wroth with me I fear shall clean the stables for several moons upon my return," Jon said without humour.

"Though I fear little from my King, my Lady loves shall be vexed by my choice, but perhaps I can win their forgiveness with hard-won gifts," Jon thought in fear.

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