Chapter 43: To the Undying lands

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It had been 2 weeks since Jon and the others had come to Tol Morwen hoping to free Maglor from his self-imposed exile; Jon, Loras, and Robar had used all of Cirdan's teachings to build the ship that would carry the last son of Fëanor back to the blessed land of Aman.

The sailors who accompanied were accomplished shipbuilders and aided them as much as possible, whether gathering lumber or offering their insight into the arts of Numenorean seafaring; all of this was done with diligence and care, ensuring that no wood was wasted.

There was no doubt that the extraordinary reputation of the High Men of Númenor was well deserved.

Jon, Loras, Robar and even King Anárion worked day and night eager to see the task done, by that time, they were already carrying the foundations of the small ship, the ship would be a vessel of a modest size quite unlike the great swan ships of the Noldor and the mighty Carracks of Númenor it was to be crewed by Maglor alone. This filled Jon with some trepidation as the journey to the blessed kingdom was arduous even for the most skilled mariners, and now his friend must take brave the starlit seas alone. However, Eärendil had achieved this remarkable feat some thousand years ago, but he was aided by several skilled Mariners; Jon placed his faith in the Valar as he knew they wouldn't present him a task if they did not think him able or worthy.

"I must say I'm quite surprised by your skills in woodworking, my friends," Anárion said with sweat on his forehead as he drove the nails into aboard.

The words of his king's youngest son brought Jon out of his thoughts, and he smiled at the praise.

"Your words are kind, King Anárion; we spent four years under the tutelage of Lord Cirdan, the Lord of the Gray Havens, who paid special attention to teaching us the traditions of his people, the Falathrim," said Jon remembering the kindly Lord of Havens.

Anárion just nodded, clearly impressed.

"I cannot imagine a better teacher for the art of shipbuilding and navigation, except perhaps for the elves who live in far Valinor far to the West, although that does not change in that you are prodigies in this art," Anárion said admiringly.

Anárion's words intrigued Jon, Loras, and Robar, who stopped working and listened intrigued.

"Are we prodigies?" Loras asked, surprised.

"We were never told we were," Robar said.

Anárion only smiled at the Westerosi's doubts.

"It's rather amusing, these arts, navigation and shipbuilding normally take decades to learn even among my kindred who were the masters of the waves; however, you have accomplished these feats in a mere four years ... Even with the tutelage of a master shipbuilder, you should by all accounts be novices, yet that is not the case, "Anárion said in admiration.

"Hahaha ... Well, thanks for the words of praise, King Anárion , but I think it is better to continue ... This part should be ready in three days," Said Robar with satisfaction returning to his work after savouring the praise of Anárion for he did not wish to be delayed.

"It is true, my friend, we must continue with our work", Anárion replied with a smile.

"Even so, I must admit I have never seen men work so diligently; they work at their craft as if they are kindred to the proud lords of Khazad-dûm," Said Loras observing the sailors chopping wood.

"Yes, everyone who is here fought to have a place in this crew", Anárion said, continuing with his work.

"Truly?" Asked confused the "Knight of the Flowers".

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