Chapter 13: Fall of the wolves crowning of flowers

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The allegiance of House Tyrell had been secured, but he needed the entirety of the Reach to stand behind him if he is to take the throne from the Lannister pretender. Tywin has the Westerlands behind him, the Starks have the North, the chances of that crazy wench Lysa Arryn interfering are almost none, and Dorne will stay out of it as they did so far. The Iron Islands are worthless, and the Riverlands are already on the defensive. The Stormlands are powerful, but the Reach has more coin and soldiers, which we do need.

For now, his plan is to ride to each of the most powerful lords of the Reach and ensure their allegiance, Hightower's, Fossoway, Ashord, Bulwer, and Tarly. Master tactician like Randyll Tarly joining him would be a great boon; he gave Robert his soul defeat during the rebellion. After all of that is done, he will march with his army to the Stormlands and gather further support there before making his way to the capital and taking it.

"We are ready," Loras said as he stepped into the room.

"Good," Renly walked to Loras and gave a quick kiss. "Thank you for this; I owe you so much."

"You owe me nothing. You are the true King. Now let us not keep the other waiting," The two of them walked to the entrance of the great hall, the doors opened, and they walked in. Lord Mace was standing on the far end of the room with his two older sons and daughter beside him; soldiers, servants, and lords were present all around. They walked up the steps and stopped in front of his future father in law. Renly bowed on one knee as Mace took a golden crown with a ring of roses. On its front is a stag's head made of dark green jade with golden eyes and antlers. Silence filled the room before Mace spoke.

"By the law of this land I lord Mace Tyrell, Lord of Highgarden, lord paramount of the Reach crown you Renly Baratheon the First of His Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm" Mace placed the crown on Renly's head, and Renly stood up moments later and turned to the crowd.

"A bastard pretender sits on my late brothers' throne, a bastard that shares no blood with me, one born of incest. Help me retake my family's throne, and I will give you all the riches and glory you could ask for. Stand with me, and I will stand with you, fight with you side by side, and we will return what's has been taken from me."

There was a short silence before someone shouted, "For King Renly!" soon, others joined.

"For King Renly, for King Renly, for king Renly!"

Renly looked at Loras, who stood with his siblings behind their father, and smiled. Once the noise died down, Renly decided to immediately make a proclamation.

"Lord Mace, step forward," Renly said, and the Lord did as ask.

"Your grace," Mace said.

"From this moment onward, you will be my hand of the king," Renly said and presented the Lord the hand's pin.

"You honor me, your grace, I will serve dutifully and faithfully."

"I have no doubt about that, my lord."

Then Renly walked up to Margaery and offered her his hand, and she took it, and they walked to the front. "The hand's daughter, the beautiful lady Margaery will be my queen," The room erupted in cheers. "And last but not least, the lord commander of my Kingsguard will be Ser Loras Tyrell."

Loras walked to them and bend the knee. "I Ser Loras Tyrell, hereby swear on my honor and my allegiance to protect the King and his family. I will do my duties until death, and through that time, keep all secrets of the King safe. I will not speak unless spoken to, I will take no wife, father no children, and I will defend the King's land or pay the price."

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