Chapter 37: Fate of Elves and the journey east

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5 days later

"Ah ... the Valar don't stop Dany," Jon said moaning with pleasure he was lying on his bed while Daenerys was on top of him massaging his back with heated jasmine oil that filled the room with a pleasant aroma.

"It's a pleasure my white wolf ... I didn't think three days on the boat would make you so tense," Dany said, unable to resist making fun of her lover a bit, to which Jon growled.

They were currently in Jon's chambers in the Grey Havens, their journey from Harlond was a true ordeal as the sudden decision of Lady Írimë, and her servants to accompany them left Jon, Loras and Robar without their cabins.

Jon being courteous offered his cabin to Lady Írimë, while the servants took Robar and Loras's and the three Knights were forced to sleep on the deck as although Jon's lovers, as well as his sisters, had no qualms about sharing a bed with him, Jon didn't think it was fair to let Robar and Loras sleep outside while he slept comfortably in a bed. Warmed by one of his lovers. And they all respected Lord Cirdan and Glorfindel too much to annoy them with such a trivial concern.

So, the three knights had to sleep on the deck, well technically Loras and Robar did since they forced Jon to sleep in the most horrid place on the ship the gull's nest ... something Jon absolutely loathed but they had rightly pointed out that they were in this situation because Írimë had taken such an interest in him.

Though Jon failed to see how it was his fault, Lady Írimë and her servants decided to accompany them. She wished to learn the lore and history of the Seven Kingdoms.

But be that as it may, after three days of sleeping in that god's forsaken gull's nest Jon was wracked with pain.

"Loras and Robar are the culprits, they made me sleep in the lookout post" Jon growled bitterly to Daenerys' surprise.

"They forced you to sleep there? .. Why?" Dany asked surprised as she removed another knot from Jon's back, causing him to moan in appreciation.

"They blamed me because they had to give up their rooms to Lady Írimë's servants least they look unchivalrous ... I forced it on them with my courtesy, so I had to sleep in the gull's nest, or they would wait till I was asleep, and they would throw me overboard. "Jon growled in annoyance.

... well, that's true to some extent ... Daenerys thought with amusement.

"Truly, Daenerys? Lady Írimë wished to learn about Westeros and Essos they didn't come to pester me .." Jon said naively to which Daenerys only chuckled in annoyance as she began to descend to Jon's lower back.

Daenerys remembered very well that during their trip on the ship, the Ladies Ashara and Shiera confessed that they had slept with Jon to the annoyance of Dany and Rhaenys only to be calmed by Arianne since apparently, Jon told her first about his tryst with Shiera and Ashara, something that made Dany and Rhaenys upset with Jon. Still, they decided to put it aside for the moment when Arianne and Lady Ashara told them about Jon's true ambition, a harem, a harem that would love him as he loved them.

While Rhaenys and Arianne just blushed furiously and Dany, in particular, felt her small clothes dampen at the thought that she, Daenerys Targaryen Stormborn, a Princess who carried the blood of the Dragon, a conqueror, would be in the harem of her beloved nephew".

She should be furious and outraged by Jon's intentions for her to be part of a harem a Targaryen princess made into a concubine ... But to her shame... She felt rather excited ... Daenerys didn't know when she had become so ... Lustful, but it still didn't matter to her anymore.

There was only one problem with the harem, well two rather large problems, but the first was that Jon's cousins were too possessive of him, reluctantly all the Ladies could understand why ... They grew up believing they were siblings, only to discover they were cousins. That would have been fine if it weren't for the fact that they took up practically all of Jon's time since he was their sworn shield and occasional tutor when they had questions concerning Middle-earth. And those two annoying little wolves knew that they were taking away their time with Jon and on many occasions, they had seen them smile when they took their "brother" away from Daenerys and his other lovers ... If they weren't Jon's "sisters" she and Rhaenys would have already thrown them overboard when they travelled back to the Gray Havens.

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