Chapter 71: A Party, A Romance and an Execution

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The next morning

The first thing Daenerys felt when she awoke was the warmth of the Southron Sun; she had hoped to rest longer, but the need for water was greater than the want to sleep when she sat up; she spied her mother and nephew cuddling under his cloak.

"Well, it seems the blood of Valyria runs hot indeed," Daenerys murmured in astonishment.

Daenerys recalled the affairs of the prior evening; her nephew and mother were wholly consumed by their passion, akin to dragons mating in the sky. It was rather sweet in a way for her mother to find love again but yet odd as well as she hadn't expected this to happen, nor had she any inkling of what Jon and her mother would do once awake.

"Perhaps it's best that I say nothing," Daenerys thought as she hastily slipped on her dress.

But at that moment, both Jon and her mother began to stir; it was her mother who woke first, seemingly unaware of what had transpired.

"Has the sun risen?" Rhaella asked sleepily; she felt pleased and sated though she couldn't guess why it was then she opened her eyes and saw she lay in the arms of her grandson, her precious Baelon, her beloved fool.

"Mother?" Rhaella heard her daughter's voice startling her, and she quickly covered her bare breasts with her arm.

"Dany... I..." Rhaella tried to say, but her daughter hugged her.

"It's not necessary... I... I saw what ensued, though I won't begrudge you a night of passion," Daenerys said merrily.

"I thank you for your kindness, my sweet child though I fear Jon may regret our actions", Rhaella answered, her sparkling with tears.

It was then Jon roused himself, casting aside the cloak revealing his nakedness to the sun.

"By the Valar...what happened?" He wondered, and then he spied his grandmother unclothed like himself.

Jon's face swiftly reddened, undoubtedly embarrassed by his actions.

He began to apologise profusely and name all the ways he would preserve her honour, but his grandmother silenced him with a kiss; they kissed for what seemed an Age before she looked at him again and smiled.

"Jon... My grandson...I do not regret what we shared, only that we tarried so long in this dance. I have desired you for innumerable years, and now we have shared what I desired," Rhaella said happily; she hid nought from him, baring her body to the world.

Her beauty bewitched him once more, and it filled his heart with happiness to know that a maiden as fair as his grandmother desired him, his mind told him it was wrong, yet his heart sung in joy like the fire of the forge freshly lit.

"We'll speak on the matter later, my love... though I think it best we continue on to Osgiliath... it seems our dragons saw fit to abandon us no doubt the damned lizards are hunting," Rhaella said, labouring to cover herself with her torn dress, she cared little if her grandson admired her form; it wasn't proper for Dany to see her in such a state.

"Sorry I ruined your dress," Jon said sheepishly as his grandmother snorted.

"Think nothing of it, Jon; it is no more ruined than your clothes, and I daresay we shall ruin many garments before our lives are over, " Rhaella said merrily, and Daenerys laughed before embracing them both, seemingly at peace with her tryst.

"Well, there is a stream nearby we can bathe, and I shall catch us some breakfast," Jon said happily, leaving his loves to demolish the camp; while this may seem foolish, he perceived the dragons weren't far off and would come if needed.

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