Chapter 25: The Fate of Numenor and Building of ships

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6 months later

When Jon, Loras, and Robar had decided to undertake their journey to Middle Earth, they hoped for untold riches and great battles, tests of their courage; they knew that their new life there would not be easy ... But they certainly did not expect to be "tested " in such ways.

During the last months, the three knights and their companions had been instructed by the elves on various subjects, from lore, healing, and of course navigation, but for the ladies, they had also received classes in the art of weaving (to the despair of Rhaenys ) since according to Cirdan all the sails on the ships that Jon and the others have seen were made by the sailors' wives.

The one in charge of teaching them was an elven noble named Aveneri, one of the few Noldor who lived in the Gray Havens and who was said to have been an apprentice to Miriel Serindë, the first wife of King Finwë; she was a demanding teacher, but her talent was incomparable, the best weaver In Middle Earth, many elves came to learn from her, the ladies of Westeros really did their part to learn how to weave like the elves, Queen Rhaella and Lady Ashara being the only ones who really seemed to have great talent. However, Arianne Daenerys and Shiera weren't bad at it and had a particular ability, but in Princess Rhaenys' case, it was like seeing Arya in Septa Mordaine's classes again, much to Jon's amusement.

For Jon, Robar, and Loras, there were shipbuilding and navigation classes, and since this city was built mostly by Teleri elves, there was no doubt that they were true masters of this art; not even the Ironborn could compete with the knowledge of the Teleri in the domain of navigation.

But the most incredible thing was that Cirdan had stepped in to instruct them on the arts of the Elves, they must have suspected Something from the beginning, all the elves wanted the honor of teaching the "envoys of the Valar" but they hardly listened that it would be Cirdan himself who would teach them the "arts of the Teleri" their smiles changed, they were empty and their eyes expressed compassion ... And Jon and his friends did not take long to find out why, Cirdan was an extremely tough teacher, demanding and not He accepted any kind of excuse, and he expected from them nothing less than absolute perfection, however he was also patient and understanding since he understood that as mortals Jon, Loras and Robar would find it difficult to learn like the elves and despite everything Cirdan was an excellent teacher ... In the short time that Jon and the others had been under his tutelage they were sure that they had already become the best sailors that Westeros, Essos and Sothoryos had ever seen.

"Damn you, Jon, why in the seven hells did we follow you here?" Said a sore and exhausted Loras, who was carving a piece of wood with his face drenched in sweat.

"I didn't know it would be like this ... I'm sorry," answered a breathless Jon, who was sanding the mast of the ship.

"Stop complaining, or I'll throw you both into the fucking bay," replied Robar, who was sawing wood.

For months, the three of them had been learning everything about boat building, and at the beginning of the last month, Cirdan decided to put them to the test ... They had to build their own boat; at this moment, they were finishing the deck.

The abominable task had had them working non-stop for the past month; if it weren't for their newfound love of the sea and their respect for their master ... They Most likely they would have given up by now.

But although shipbuilding was laborious, it was not the most complicated thing they learned in the Gray Havens that infamous honor went to the language classes, Quenya and Sindarin, the languages of the elves, the Quenya invented by the elves who live in Valinor and used by the Valar themselves as well as improved by Fëanor. Simultaneously, Sindarin was the language of the elves who did not go to Valinor and instead dwelt in Beleriand under the command of Elu Thingol and Melian la Maia during the First Age.

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