Chapter 67: The calling of a Prince

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The city of Osgiliath (four months after returning to Annuminas)

"Well, we're finally here", said Jon excitedly, dismounting his mare and running to aid his companions off of theirs.

"Indeed, welcome to Osgiliath, the Capital of our beautiful Kingdom of Gondor ... Your new domain ... Prince Baelon," Said Anárion jovially much to his ire and the amusement of his companions.

"Truly, the city is the fairest in the South," Daenerys said, gazing at the great battlements in wonder.

"Yes, it is," Jon thought as he gazed upon the swan prowed ships that lay in harbour.

"Thank you very much for your words, Princess Daenerys ... We desired to construct this City in the image of Anduinë, although I am sad to say that at most, it is a reflection of its greatness," Isildur said sadly as he remembered his lost home.

The city glowed pearl white in the sunlight and straddled the Anduin River at a point roughly halfway between the cities of Minas Anor to the southwest and Minas Ithil to the northeast and to the north of the nearby mountains of Emyn Arnen.

Although it wasn't the first time he had gazed upon the Citadel of the Stars, its beauty still filled him with a fierce love for the men of Westernesse.

Jon knew the chief city of Gondor was Osgiliath... In Minas Ithil was the house of Isildur, and in Minas Anor the house of Anárion, but they shared the realm between them and their thrones were set side by side in the Great Hall of Osgiliath. The City, through the midst of which the Great River flowed; and the Men of Westernesse built here a great bridge, upon which there were towers and houses of stone wonderful to behold, and tall ships rested in the broad quays of the harbour and here sat the Dome of Stars, which housed the Osgiliath-stone, the greatest of the seven Palantíri.

"The City that I will now rule in the name of King Elendil and his sons ... Although I don't comprehend why? Why did the King urge that I rule the city if I have no knowledge of governing? Especially the chiefest city of the Southern Kingdom," Jon thought irritably at the knowledge that he would have to govern such an important city.

It was all a rather queer happening not after three days they had revealed the Silmaril, King Elendil and his children made a rather queer proposition. To travel south and take up residence in the city, acting as its Steward and defender in times of war and peace.



"Aaahh ... It's magnificent," Shiera said, captivated by the beauty of the Silmaril.

Ever since she had gazed upon those beautiful gems many years ago, she had yearned to possess one, and now one sits before her.

"And my beloved Jon gave it to another," The beautiful bastard thought in vexation.

And she was not alone in her dark thoughts; indeed, there was many a maiden in the room who desired the gem greatly though they could glean why he had given it to Galadriel.

It was unmistakable to all attending that Jon was ... captivated with the Lady of Light, and ostensibly, she is likewise charmed with him.

"By the Valar, he attracts women like flies to dead flesh," They thought in vexation. As if Lady Írimë was not enough, now they must contend with the fairest Elf in Arda; indeed, their beloved was too alluring for his own good.


Though unbeknownst to them, Galadriel had peered into their minds and was amused by their jealousy and satisfied that those mortals knew about her love for Jon and that she need not conceal it though her mood quickly soured when Arianne embraced her wolf.

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