Chapter 23: Ulmo's gifts

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The next night.

"So, Jon, did you have a bad night?" Asked Robar making fun of Jon's situation after Lord Ulmo left, all the ladies began to pepper him with questions about Middle Earth and about what he spoke to Manwë in his dreams, and although Jon had already told them everything he knew, they did not stop asking him questions about the King of the Valar.

He spent most of the night answering questions and only managed to sleep for a few hours before being awakened by Loras and Robar at sunrise so he could practice and continue loading supplies onto the ship.

"I don't know. Why not answer their questions while I sleep?" Jon asked, growling, to which Robar just shrugged.

"It is not just me who has the interest of the King of the Valar. Clearly, Princess Rhaenys and her grandmother now see you as someone valuable so rejoice now they do not want to kill you." Robar said.

Jon was going to respond when they heard Loras' complaining about loading the ship by himself.

All the ladies of House Targaryen were relaxing in the hot water spring except for Lady Ashara and Shiera Seastar, who were making a small breakfast while also deciding to prepare everything for the journey to middle-earth after the great sea god finished his tale.

Knowing that caused Jon amusement because after hearing the story of the beginning of the world and the evil of Melkor, all misgivings and grievances about the journey seemed to have vanished or at least very well hidden.

"They may have accepted their situation, but they still don't trust me; I hope that after tonight that starts to change," Jon thought.

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Next night...

Everyone was waiting patiently for Lord Ulmo to return, eager to hear the conclusion to his tale, and this time Arianne was by Jon's side just like Robar and Loras, while Queen Rhaella was in front of her daughter and granddaughter and Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar were a bit apart from everyone.

"Why us, Jon? Why the ... Valar?" they called us to this... Middle Earth". Arianne asked, looking at the ocean.

"I don't know, Ari, I don't know... Did you ever think that your life would turn out like this?" Jon said, looking at the ocean when he felt Arianne's intertwine their hands, and Jon turned to see his love smiling at him in amusement.

"Falling in love with a bastard and giving up my birthright to go to a new world while hearing the tale of creation from an ancient Sea god? no." Arianne said with some amusement.

Jon just smiled.

"It's rather exciting", And he kissed her with all the passion he could muster.

Their kiss was observed by the rest of the ladies who had diverse reactions; Queen Rhaella observed them interested since she could not understand how a Princess like Arianne could have left everything behind, including her inheritance to follow Jon Snow on his journey, there was something in that young man that Rhaella was attracted to, when he told her that she and her family were obliged to accompany him on his journey for a few moments she considered letting Rhaenys kill him and return to Myr but instantly something inside her felt Disgusted and alarmed to even consider hurting him, she couldn't explain why she felt that way about that young mercenary from the North. Is it because he reminds her of her son Rhaegar? Rhaella did not know, but she kept thinking about it as she watched them and seeing them kiss with such passion stirred a great deal of resentment in her as she remembered her own story with Bonifer, Bonifer, it was so long since she thought about her old love it seemed a lifetime ago but she had wondered how her life would have turned out had she not married Aerys.

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