Chapter 3: Meeting of the Pack

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Lord Eddard led the Tyrells through the city towards the Red keep; the Tyrells and other such important guests will be staying in the guest wing of the keep or the maiden vault. Being the second wealthiest family in Westeros and knowing what sorry state the realm finances were, Ned thought it a good idea to gain the Tyrells favor. As they traveled to their destination, Margaery took in the sights of the city and its people, while Jon and Loras japed with Garlan and Mace. Once they were at the Red keep. He dismounted from his horse and watched as the Tyrell women exited their carriage and were greeted by the king's brother Lord Renly Baratheon and lord commander of the Kingsguard Ser Barristan Selmy. Eddard made his way to them.

"Lady Olenna, lady Margaery the capital has been made brighter by your present," said Renly as he kissed lady Olennas hand.

"Am sure it has," said Olenna smirking at the young lord's words. She gave a good look at him. He looked like his brother the king, but he seemed more refined and less of an idiot.

"My lady," said Barristan as he bowed.

"Lord Renly, it is an honor," said Margaery as she curtsied.

"The honor is all mine," said Renly as he kissed her hand. Then he turned his gaze to the four men that stood behind them.

"Lord Mace, it is an honor to have someone of your status come to this celebration. My brother will surely be pleased." The lord of the Reach felt his ego grow with the man's words.

"I would never miss something as grand as this, my lord," said Mace. Olenna smirked at her son's stupidity. If she had not given birth to him, she would have wondered if he was truly her son. But the lord of the Stormlands was at least a good kiss-ass, that was certain.

Renly smiled as he looked at the two brothers. "Ser Garlan, Ser Loras, it's good to see you again."

"Likewise, my lord," said Loras.

Only then looked at Jon. He immediately stood out when he saw him; his black hair and purple eyes made him seem even more unique than he thought he would be. Comparing Ned and his two daughters to this man, it was apparent that the younger daughter was his sister, and there was some resemblance to Ned, the older sister looking more like a Tully than a Stark. "And you must be the infamous Jon Snow, the Wolf of the south. You have created quite a reputation for yourself. They say that there is no man alive that can beat you in a dual."

"People talk and sometimes exaggerate, my lord," said Jon with a smile.

"More than sometimes, I would say, but we will see how much of it is true and how much is not very soon. My brother is itching to see you fight. Once he heard that Ned Starks's son will be competing, he was in such a joyful mood, it was like you told him that the hand himself will be participating." Renly looked at Ned, who now sported a more severe expression. While the Wolf and the stag talked, Loras could not help but stare at the knight in front of him. Barristan the Bold, the man who was a living legend, the man who epitomizes what a knight should be. The man who jousted against prince Duncan, the man who singlehandedly rescued king Arys from Duskendale. He was so respected that Robert even pardoned him and gave him the title of lord commander. Lora's dream was to once become just like him, a knight who everyone loved and revered, a white cloak on his beck, and a worthy king to serve.

"I have also heard some interesting things about you, ser Loras," said Renly.

"I hope they were good things." japed Garlan.

"Only good things are spoken about me because bad do not exist," said Loras.

Recently returned his gaze back to lady Olenna, who was giving him an odd look. "Forgive him, my lords, ladies, I have taken enough of your time. I hope to see you all during the feast this evening. I have some things that I must take care of." Then lord Renly and Ser Barristan went on their way, exiting the keep leaving lord Eddard alone once again with the Tyrells.

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