Chapter 58: Revelations and The Love of Galadriel

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Kingdom of Arnor funeral of Jon Snow

The inhabitants of Annuminas were astonished as they would never have believed that they would witness the power of the One once more; many a Numenorean recalled the downfall of their home and the fury of the Valar but to see their blessings was truly wondrous.

At that moment, the former Lord of Gondolin approached his student, followed by Loras and Robar though their brother in arms appeared didn't notice their approach.

It was then a feeling of dread gripped the hearts of the Elven lords.

"STEP BACK!" Galadriel yelled in a frenzy, and though Glorfindel retreated, Loras and Robar pressed onward, seemingly ignorant of the danger.

Loras tried to lure the dragons off his brother to no avail, and so he reached for the golden dragon; it was then Jon acted.

With swiftness befitting his skill, Jon seized Loras' hand and broke his fingers with a sickening crack.

Stealing, who tried to tear his friends apart, also took his share when Jon kicked him in the stomach so hard that the Rune Lord was thrown a few feet behind.

"JON BY THE VALAR, DON'T YOU RECOGNISE US? " Loras shouted, drawing his sword, though he had no wish to wound his brother.

But what he saw made his blood run cold.

Jon's face was one of serenity, yet there was something more buried beneath his noble exterior; his eyes were that a beast ravenous and wrothful.

Many recoiled in horror, seeing the once noble dragon slayer diminished to a crazed animal, a wolf in the skin of a man.

"What foul sorceries have addled my grandsons' mind?" Rhaella asked with sadness.

"He is confused; his mind is trapped between the savagery of a beast and the nobility of men he will slay any who venture too close, even those dear to him," Galadriel said, her voice filled with horror.

"But why is this happening, Naneth? is this not a miracle of Ilúvatar? " Celebrian asked clearly.

"At this moment, his mind is not his own unless we heal his spirit Jon shall be no more than a savage animal bereft of mercy and honour", Galadriel replied, her heart aching seeing her love in such pain.

Their joy at Jon's return had turned to misery if he could master his mind; they dared not think of their lives without him, but this was not Jon; this was a beast masquerading as a man.

At that moment, Elendil, Glorfindel, Elrond, Gil-Galad and King Durin stepped forward, brandishing their weapons; they had no wish to slay Jon, but they would do so if necessary.

"By the Valar Jon, please remember I have cannot bear your death a second time," Glorfindel pleaded with tears in his eyes. But Jon didn't hear him and charged at the assembled Lords.

There was no doubt that although his mind had become more bestial, Jon's skill at arms was never in doubt, he rushed towards Lord Elrond first and began savagely attacking the aged elf, but the Lord of Imladris was far mightier than a savage beast and merely parried or blocked the wild punches.

It was then that Durin charged forward and brought his mighty hammer down upon Jon; the blow was akin to thunder striking the mountains, and the wild wolf was sent tumbling to the ground.

"JON!" Írimë shouted, her voice filled with grief; she had no desire to see her beloved perish and hoped she could break the madness that had consumed him.

It seemed as though the spell had broken Jon's visage was not of fury but contentment as if the beast inside had been tamed or cowed by Írimë 's pleading.

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