Chapter 33: The dragon and bard

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The Conch's sound was not like any of the Westerosi knew, it did not even sound like the sound of a horn ... For a few moments, it seemed as if ... Someone was playing a song, the sound was soft and piercing ... Like the crashing of waves.

The wonderful sound distracted both the elves and the men.

"Jon ... you ... called," Said a surprised Cirdan when he saw the Conch being used for the first time and it was then that Jon understood what he had just done by sounding the Conch.

Jon's mind was spinning. His life was a lie. His father was not Ned Stark ... He didn't want to believe that. He couldn't, not after everything he had done. Queen Rhaella must be Wrong, or she must be lying... Why? ... He did not know, but it must be so ... It had to be.

. "Jon..." The sound of Lord Glorfindel's voice snapped the young Targaryen out of his tumultuous thoughts, and he tried to compose himself as much as possible, but when he saw the shocked faces of Rhaenys and Daenerys his heart sank, and he unconsciously began to recoil backwards. About to fall into the sea.

He had taken the virginity of his half-sister and that of his aunt ... He had kissed them and taken them as lovers ... And he had fallen completely in love with them.

"Please Jon calm down ... Don't be foolish," Said a terrified Ashara Dayne when she saw how dangerously close Jon was to falling out the window.

"Stop him ..." King Gil-galad barked but before they could act Jon heard a familiar voice in his head.

"Jon, As expected you called me and as I told you ... I have come ... Jump into the embrace of the sea I will not allow you to be harmed come to me"

Jon looked behind him and saw that there was nothing Just the sky.

Jon looked down and saw something extraordinary ... A whirlpool began to form in the sea. Still, it was not an ordinary whirlpool, this whirlpool shone like the heavens as if it to tell him no harm will come to him At that moment he made his decision, he observed everyone in the room, elves and men, giving a meaningful look to Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Shiera, Ashara, Rhaella, Sansa and Arya ... And before they could act he jumped to the sea below.

"JON!" The scream of his friends and mentors echoed in his ears until the sound of the wind drowned them out as he fell towards the sea at high speed, he finally felt the water hit his face. But the water was not ice cold, it felt very warm, but Jon did not care about everything he had heard, what he had discovered ... He just wanted to forget and sleep, he knew he would not die so he let himself be carried away by the swift current of the great sea.


When Jon woke up, he felt the scorching sun and the sand on his face, he got up completely disoriented, Jon did not know where he was only that landed on some island.

... How did I come to be here? ... At that moment Jon remembered everything that happened in the throne room of King Gil-galad and Queen Rhaella's confession in which the widow of the "Mad King" claimed that Jon was her grandson.

Jon did not take it well at all, but that did not concern him at that time but the words of the Queen ... Jon was not the son of Eddard Stark, he was the son of his aunt Lyanna Stark with Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

"I slept with my half-sister and my aunt ... I love the, and yet I feel no guilt nor shame it seems I truly am a Targaryen" Jon thought wistfully, laughing sadly at his fate.

"Glad to see you have awakened," Said an ancient voice, deep, powerful and familiar to Jon.

He turned back to meet the vast and majestic figure of Ulmo, The Lord of the Depths.

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