Chapter 40: Celebrations and Oaths

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The journey to Annúminas was long and tiring for Jon, who was taken in a carriage because his broken arm and rib prevented him from riding, and despite the care of his lady loves, the fight against the dragon weighed heavily on his heart, he only wanted to see Sansa and Arya and then sleep until the worlds ending.

But in those moments of calm and silent reflection, Jon's thoughts were thus directed to the vision of the elven woman, a maiden whose beauty rivalled the light of the two trees.

But what Jon remembered most was the kiss she had given him; her embrace was akin to the sun full of warmth and joy as if all weariness and pain had fallen from his heart. He felt his soul was healed if the soul could truly be mended.

Jon did not know if it was a dream, but his heart told him that he would soon learn of this radiant beauty. Just thinking of her loving touch drove away the pain and misery of his duel.

All noticed the melancholy that surrounded Jon, especially Írimë, and his lovers realized that despite their care, Jon did not seem to be well; it was Finwë's daughter who explained the reason to them one night.

"A Worm of Morgoth are the evillest creatures that Melkor has made, and often those who slay are consumed by grief and woe just as Turin was... for it is as a poison of mind that consumed all save the most godlike in strength. Tis not fatal, but his spirit must be cleansed. " Said the Princess of the Noldor, sadly seeing Jon suffer the consequences of that fight despite his victory.

"The elves have told us of such wounds of the heart ... But I never believed that I would have to see them in my own grandson ... How do we heal him?" Queen Rhaella asked with tears in her eyes being consoled by her daughter Daenerys, and Írimë only smiled sadly while shedding tears.

"With love, patience and care ... To face the most horrid creation of the Great Enemy and triumph is an extraordinary feat ... especially for one so young ... It is remarkable that Jon is so composed, most would have nightmares or give into madness even among the greatest lords of my kin to slay a Worm is to invite misery, "Said the daughter of Indis looking at Jon strangely.

"Loras has always told us that Jon has always been austere and disciplined .." Arianne said, clearly worried about her love, but Írimë shook her head.

"No... though you speak the truth ... I sense something else as if Jon's spirit has been mended in some fashion," said Írimë looking at Jon curiously.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Dany asked curiously.

"Yes ... Dany is right; I don't know how Jon has recovered this quickly ... But it's for the best, so we must be happy for him," Írimë said with a smile, but curiosity and anxiety plagued her mind; though Jon's spirit was mended, they must be mindful of the dragon's sickness lest they lose the man they love.

A thought they all shared, although none said it out loud.

Only one of the Ainur had the power to heal the spirit... or an elf ... a mighty and ancient one, Thought Írimë intrigued as The only ones who meet that necessary ability and age in Middle Earth apart from herself, are Galadriel, Celeborn as well as king Gil-galad. Each is wise in the lore of healing the spirit though none could have known Jon would face the Worm.

However, it would be impossible for an elf to cast a spell from so great a distance, they would have to be very close for the art to work ... And none of those who could have helped Jon are near him, so Írimë discarded this theory.

Most likely, one of the Valar, probably Lorien or Nienna, helped him.

... Well, in any case, it is useless to dwell on the matter. Jon is well, and that is what matters ... Írimë thought with joy at the sight of Jon arguing with his brothers in arms since they insisted that he tell them everything about his duel with the Worm, but Jon was disgruntled because he wanted to sleep, the discussion between the three of them was the source of amusement for everyone on the journey to Annúminas.

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