Chapter 28: Forges of the Mountain fathers

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After exiting King Durin's great hall while leaving Glorfindel and the elf entourage behind to ... sort out any matters, they must discuss with the dwarves, Jon and the others were excitedly led towards the forges of Khazad-Dûm by a trio of dwarves named Dein, Urg, and Thior, it was a very long journey, exceptionally long for a moment they felt that they would reach the bottom of the earth. But at the time, Jon had other concerns besides his excitement at seeing the dwarven forges.

His head throbbed because of the hangover, and a look at Loras made Jon understand that his friend was also going through the same thing, but he also had other worries ... Jon had made a fool of himself at the feast; he had kissed the Princesses Daenerys and Rhaenys ... He had dishonoured Arianne, although she didn't seem to care, Jon wasn't like that ... He had to apologize to them and pray that Rhaenys wasn't in a foul mood.

"Ari ... I ..." Jon started to say, approaching his Princess of Dorne.

"Yes, Jon? Is something wrong?" Arianne asked, confused when she saw the nervous expression of her white wolf.

"I'm so sorry for the way I acted last night; I shouldn't have accepted the mead from those dwarves," But Arianne silenced him with a kiss and then placed a finger on his lips.

"Jon, I grew up in Dorne; alcohol and sex abounded like air there; you just gave us a kiss, don't worry" Hearing Arianne's reassuring tone, Jon calmed down, but suddenly she whispered to hatred.

"But I cannot promise you that Rhaenys will be as forgiving; you better be careful unless you want to end up with the other eye the same," Arianne said in a dangerously soft voice, and Jon started to get nervous.

Swallowing, Jon approached the Targaryen Princesses and, with a slight cough, caught their attention.

"Jon .." Daenerys said, happy and blushing, but Rhaenys gave him a look of disgust.

"What do you want?" Rhaegar's daughter asked in annoyance.

Jon gulped; it seemed Rhaenys was somewhat cross.

"I want to confess I know that what I did was shameful and that I insulted you as if you were mere tavern wenches. I was not myself," Jon said, truly ashamed, and for a moment, neither princess said anything until Daenerys spoke.

"It's okay, Jon...I know it was because of the mead ... Lord Glorfindel told us it was potent. Also, thanks to you, our hosts had a lot of fun and are much kinder," Daenerys said with a radiant smile, fighting to contain her happiness; she just remembers that kiss, Jon was dancing and singing happily until he approached her and suddenly kissed her, the sensation of his lips against hers it made her tremble with emotion, for a moment everything spun, it was magical. However, Daenerys would have preferred that her love had been conscious at that moment.

But Rhaenys thought; otherwise, that bastard humiliated her in public since he dared to kiss her drunk! ... If it weren't for Rhaella chastising her for acting so rude, she would have blackened his other eye. Still, deep inside, Rhaenys couldn't stop thinking about that kiss, her first kiss ... Stolen by the bastard Ned Stark, Connington would be enraged if he found out; he always made it very clear how cruel the Westerosi were concerned women and that because of this, unlike Aegon, Rhaenys was never allowed to take a lover. She had accepted regaining the Iron Throne was a far nobler calling than acting a whore. Yet when Jon Snow kissed her, she felt something like a jolt throughout her body, and she was only supposed to feel disgusted and rage for that kiss, but it was not like that she felt something, and it infuriated her; she didn't want to end up like her cousin and aunt chasing that bastard she's a Targaryen Princess, for Valar's sake! So she couldn't believe that she had felt something when Jon Snow kissed her.

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