Chapter 47: Temptations realized

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Jon, Írimë and Glorfindel rode to the camp of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn, where they saw that the elves were stripping down the tents and gathering the horses; it seems they have arrived rather on time.

When they saw the newcomers, many saw Jon with surprise and distrust, but when they saw who his companions were, their expressions softened as two of the household guard approached them.

"Welcome, I am Tethgor of the Galadhrim, servant of the Lord and the Lady, I recognize Princess Írimë, daughter of King Finwë the first Great King of the Noldor and kin to our fair Lady, as well as Lord Glorfindel Lord of Golden flowers. but the young mortal who accompanies them is unknown to me. "The young elf who received them spoke no Westron but rather Sindarin.

"We welcome those who are kindreds from the blessed lands of Valinor, but the name Jon snow is not known to my companions nor me." The young elf said with confusion.

Jon and Glorfindel were the first to dismount their horses before Jon rushed to help Írimë off her cream-coloured charger.

"Thank you, Jon", Írimë said with a smile that made Jon blush.

"I am Jon Snow... It seems to me that that name is not unknown to the elves of Middle Earth at this time," replied the young Westerosi in a high strong voice.

And indeed, it was so because instantly that elf's eyes widened in astonishment, and he bowed in reverence.

"Amazing visitors have come to us, although it is strange the time they decided to come because we were about to leave for Dol Belegaer and join our forces with theirs", Said the elf bowing before Jon.

"It seems our march was not in vain praise Eru; we bring dark tidings for your Lord and your Lady, information that will change the course of the battle that will follow ... Counsel given to me by the noble father of the dwarves Lord Aulë. " Jon said with authority rendering the young elf speechless and causing the onlookers to whisper among themselves with glee and fear, for seldom do the powers of the world speak to any save the wisest of the Noldor.

"Did you speak with Lord Aulë?" Tethgor said with barely contained emotion.

"He appeared to me in a dream and shared grim tidings that must make it to the Lady Galadriel and her husband; please take us to them so that we may speak," Jon said with urgency, and the elf nodded quickly.

"Come with me." Tethgor said with authority.

The trio followed Tethgor through the camp drawing the eyes of dozens of elves who began to speak in hushed whispers about the identity of the newcomers as Lord Glorfindel was exceedingly well known among his kindred, they navigated through the sea of tents until arriving at the wondrous sky blue Pavillon they spied from the hills.

At the entrance were two sentries clad in glittering silver plate forged in the fashion of the Noldor at their waist were jewelled daggers, and each bore a stout spear of ashen wood with glittering heads.

"The Lord and Lady are inside enter quickly," Tethgor said, giving Jon, Írimë and Glorfindel a look of agreement.

When the trio entered the tent, Jon was impressed with the place, the tent was apparently made of pure blue cloth, and they could see Lord Celeborn was in a heated discussion with his officers while the Lady Galadriel was seated in a chintz armchair sipping upon a sweet-smelling wine.

Jon realized that the Lady already knew that they had arrived, though this did little to unnerve him as the Lady Galadriel was strongest of body, mind and will among the Noldor... She no doubt saw his coming for a dozen leagues at least.

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