My Girl

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Matt's POV

The left side of my face throbbed. I took off my helmet, crinkled my nose and winced when I blinked. "Sorry, Coach. It's getting worse"

"Ice pack! Hang in there!" He clasped my shoulder and waved someone over. "We need all you can give. Find whatever motivation you have left in there and embrace it"

Motivation? Nate sat with his head down. Like he felt me looking at him, he looked up with anger in his eyes. Tonight hadn't been his night, and I was to blame. "Nate" I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Don't worry, I've got you. Go to the left side next time"

"But your eye?"

"I got you"

Defensive breakdowns made games more exciting for me, but their offence punished our guys. We did well, but so did they. Dan tied me in goals by getting his own goal and they took the lead.

"Nate, ready to go?" I asked and he nodded

I clapped and smiled around the huddle. "Let's give them something to talk about"

I passed the puck to my team mate, who skated quickly, but then stopped. Nate took off with a herd of guys. His corner fell, thinking it was a defence, so Nate tore down to break past.

As planned, one of the guys passed the puck back to me. I passed it straight to Nate like we were kids again. He finished it. Easy goal.

By the 'bitch boy' slurs screamed at me, one of the opposing guys didn't like losing. I expelled all the air in my lungs and grunted when the ground slammed into my back. If that wasn't enough, weight landed on top of me, then another player and another, until a heavy pile stuck me to the ground.

Kicks and hand grabs blurred above me. Were those stars? Those were stars. I wheezed from my compressed lungs. I'd given up feeling the left side of my face by the third quarter, but the groin punch wasn't necessary. A few breaths later, the weight was dragged off me. I sat up and put my hand on my chest.

Nothing to see here. Only got the wind knocked out of me. I held up my arm to indicate I wasn't hurt, but I clutched my ribs on the sideline. They might be bruised.

"You're crazy" Coach knelled down, frowning. "But keep going"

"Good save, Nate" I smiled and high fived him. Normally, we hit helmets, but at least he had the sense not to and he nodded.

Motivation. He needed that moment, and I was happy to give it to him. I made sure Nate scored and flashed his skills. I wasn't disappointed we didn't win, but we didn't lose.

Coach gave us his usual corny speech about bath salts and aftercare. My sweat-soaked team mates hit the showers. I sat at my locker, hunched over with my elbows on my knees.

"The recruiters are looking for you" I looked up when Coach spoke. He furrowed his eyebrows the longer I blinked at him.

I shook my head. "I'm not interested"

"Matt" he said, sitting down beside me. He patted my knee, before crossing his arms. "You have more talent than anyone I've coached in the last ten years"


"You played a hell of a game, especially with one eye. But you need your heart in the game, or it's not worth it. Tonight, you play for Nate Doe, not Matt Sturniolo"

"You're right" A weird feeling came over me as I admitted those words. In his words, Coach said I needed to start thinking about my future. And whether hockey was in it or not.

He thumped my chest. "See you Monday. Relax and fix that eye this weekend. Frozen peas and tea tree oil work"

I took a deep breath. "Yes, sir"

The Hockey Player (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now