Book Club

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Aurora's POV

For some reason, I was an empty desk to Finn this week. He rushed in and out of class like he was on fire. I cornered Dan after practice, but all he offered was a 'no' He should've been happy about his team winning, but Dan was a major grump when he got home and slammed his door. I let him sleep in this morning and I got a ride from Raine.

Raine debated getting proof of whether or not Dan could read but she peeled out of the parking lot with smoke behind her tires. I couldn't have paid her to stay...and Dan still wasn't here. Fortunately, Finn was back to himself.

The question of what bothered Finn came up, but I didn't want to ruin things as he smiled at me over his stack of books. "I think we're all set"

I nodded. "For now"

Surrounded by quiet, paper scented air, we walked to the check out desk. Two women worked there, an older lady and a girl our age.

I nodded at Finn, and he set his books down first.

"Hi" she said, in a quiet, librarian voice. "Is this all?"

Finn smiled and handed her his card. "Yeah, please"

The library carnival sign near Finn's arm caught my attention. "Hey, what's this?"

"Annual fundraiser" she said, scanning his books. "This year we hope to replace the computers"

I pulled out my phone because the details were...yep, event four overlapped with the dates on the sign.

She pushed Finn's books back to him, and he grabbed them. "Thank you"

"Of course" she replied, in a quiet voice. With quick hands, she scanned my card and duplicates of 1984, The Catcher in the Rye and To the Lighthouse. "English class?"

"Book club" Finn answered for me. "You're welcome to join"

"I..tend to read more Uh...contemporary books" With a smile and a blush, she whispered, "the saucy ones"

Wow. Books were books, even dirty romance ones.

"I'd read that" I answered, but the blush that took over Finn's face showed he wasn't comfortable

Finn cleared his throat. "We're starting Pride and Prejudice in a few minutes"

"I love that" she smiled, giving me back my books. "Are you using the reading room?"

When Finn shook his head, she tapped her screen. "Let me reserve it...There. Second floor, near the water fountain at the top of the stairs"

"Great" Finn smiled, pulling out his phone. "I'll text the others where we'll be"

Others? Oh shit. Dan. "Uh, Finn? I forgot to mention-"

His phone ringing cut me off. "Sorry. Excuse me, Aurora"

"I'll be upstairs" I grumbled and my phone buzzed in my purse.

Unknown Number: hey, baby

I clenched my teeth, and the light of my favourite place disappeared. How many phones was he using?

My steps became stomps as I walked up the stairs. The reading room had low chairs around a coffee table. I set my book down, and my purse, sighing. What would it take for Matt to get the hint? "I swear, Matt Sturniolo...if I ever see you again, then I-"

"Wish granted" a low voice said from behind me.

What? It couldn't be. No. I heard it wrong.

Matt leaned against the doorframe with one hand in his pocket and one ankle crossed over the other.

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