Nobody Cares

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Aurora's POV

Instead of designer clothes, I approached my first day wearing the armour of indifference hardened with distrust. And with two bodyguards.

My pulse quickened, and awareness pricked at my skin. Ghosts whispered in my ears.

Test. Slut. Best fuck he ever had.

"Hey" Raine patted my shoulder. "No one knows. Or cares"

A cold sweat built in my hand as I curled my fingers. "Yeah, but I do"

Three years later, and I still had to shake away the memories. That was the result of bullying. Years passed and everyone forgot. Except me and Raine, who took my hand and led me across the parking lot.

Dan shook the car by slamming the door. "If they need a reminder to mind their business, I'll give them one"

As Jack's backup, Dan was as much a powerless victim of Jack's threats as I was. He had to listen to the rumours without fighting back and still came home with tears in his eyes.

Feeling eyes on me raised tingles on the back of my neck. Whispers in the air made my stomach turn. I couldn't look at the smirks or looks of disgust. I used to wish they knew the truth, but no one wanted to be friends with the school slut.

"Look up" Aurora whispered.

A shiver ran across my shoulders and sent goosebumps down my arm. It shook our connected hands and brushed my knuckles against my thigh.

My torture only started that night. Even with Raine and Dan's support. I withdrew and turned my back on the school that turned it's back on me. Eighteen months had passed since my last nightmare, and now I had two. Were they a sign?

I stopped the dreams before. I'll do it again. No one could have that power over my self worth. That promise cost me every relationship I ever encountered since then. And-

"It's not what you think"

"Look up, Aurora" Dan mumbled

The softness in his voice lifted my gaze. Past the steps, the school was full of busy people. Friends greeting each other with laughs. They shared summer experiences and complained about teachers.

Attention focused on Dan. All the looks and whispers were directed at him. Everyone worshipped the ground he walked on. Violence was never the answer, but I swayed closer to Dan's hulking form.

"Thanks" I whispered and lifted my chin.


Nothing like getting called to the principal's office on my first day. From my seat, I whipped my head up to the voice. "Aurora" A pair of eyes stared at me through glasses, which she pushed up her nose and pointed to the hall. "Principal Cox will see you"

"Thanks" I mumbled and walked to where she directed.

Principal Cox sat behind his desk. The small room's white walls and lack of windows added stiffness to the air. Raine had been in here before, but this was my first time.

Why was I taken out of class? With one stern look from him, I shifted on my feet. "Aurora, please sit" He said, pointing to a leather chair in front of his desk.

I sat down and folded my hands on my lip.

"Now" he started, resting his elbows on the table. "I bet you're wondering why you're here"

Why was that the leading question? Before I answered, I heard a familiar voice at the door. "Principal Cox?"

I frowned at Mrs Summers 'so you're going nowhere in life' planning session. She handed the principal a piece of paper and returned to her office.

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