This Sucks

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Matt's POV

If anyone told me that making sandwiches for charity, dressed like a lunch lady, with three volunteers, two seniors and Aurora, was fun, I'd call them crazy. I could have carried my smile with my peanut butter scented shirt and nothing could have wiped it off my face....

Except for my stupidity. It was great until I put my foot in my mouth.

"I must admit Matt, I'm shocked" Principal Lopez said, resting his elbows on his desk. "Great in hockey, good grades, and now this?"

"Now this, sir" I said, and faked a frown. "So, I have a good chance?"

He held up the same flyer that Chris sent me. "I see. We don't have volunteers yet, but I couldn't imagine a better candidate to represent the school"

And no other applicants? Even better.

"That said" he frowned, furrowing his eyebrows.  "It's a time commitment. We're stoked about the two-win start, but I'm sure we can find alternatives that are less-"

"I'd love to consider them" I cut him off. "I'm applying now, so....I'd like to cover my college bases"

Given I applied weeks ago, I expected the doubt on his face. "Is it the recommendation letter? We're happy to-"

"I would like the experience, sir"

My smile worked. "I admire your dedication" he turned to his keyboard and printed out some pages. "I'm shocked, but if you think you can manage the extra workload, then you have our support. Mark any schedule conflicts and we'll work around them"

I scanned the list. Most of the events were on weekends. All were fine, except one. Flip a coin at her schools game? Fuck, that would've been good for Dan drama, but how was it charity?

Aurora's hair pinned back showed me the look of shock on her face. The look she gave me while she danced with Eddie burned in my mind. She tipped her head back, and gave the prettiest smile.

Her walls were up, but she melted when I touched her soft lips and when my arms wrapped around her. I wasn't any better, by the way my heart clenched. I covered her like I blocked out the world.

I was an asshole for making her cry. For the first time in years, I felt awful. Discomfort scratched my forty minute drive into hours.

I was supposed to charm her off her feet, make her smile, not make her cry. Her voice was soft and sweet. Tears welled in her eyes and gutted me. A crying girl was uncomfortable, but hers came with a sense that whatever caused those tears was awful.

What the fuck happened to her?

My Hail Mary move seemed to help. Even though I forced my arms around her, hugging Aurora made my skipping practice worth it. What was the big deal? Tomorrow's game was a no brainer.

I scrolled over my messages and smiled. The guys were worried I was injured. No way I was telling them where I was today. For all I care, they could think I had a dentist appointment.

Hugging Aurora wasn't me. My blood boiled at the idea that someone hurt her. Once my arms were around her, my brain went to mush. My emotions, thoughts and Carol's house disappeared into fog.

She probably heard my heart pounding when she rested her head on my chest. Eventually, we both had to leave. Her face softened when she smiled, and for the first time, I glimpsed at the real Aurora.

And she's beautiful. I shook the crazy thought out of my head. "I realised where I know Aurora from"

This felt like a trap. A trap to admit....I wasn't sure. "Aurora who?"

The Hockey Player (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now