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Aurora's POV

A hot, grease stripping shower after days of horrible work shifts, I no longer hated the world.

"Last day of summer" I groaned, going downstairs. "And the end of my no-Dan peace"

"Aurora, is that you?" Banging sounds were coming from the kitchen as Mom juggled mixing bowls.

I greeted her with a groan. "Not chicken Parmesan already"

It was one of her best recipes. It was served with a side of steaming broccoli and it was all Dan ate during the season.

"Don't give me that look" she said, setting the bowls down. "Meatballs first, then chicken"

I wasn't aware I gave her a look, but before I answered, she looked at me with wide eyes. "What?"

Her eyes welled up with tears. Before I moved, she squeezed my cheeks, giving me fish lips. "My baby is grown up. It feels like yesterday you were a tripping hazard who banged on the pots and pans"


"Let me have my sad Mom moment" she sniffed and dropped my face.

Sad Mom moment. Fine. Time for a subject change. "Where's Dan?"

"On his way" she said, picking up the biggest bowl. "We tried to wake you when he called, but you were dead to the world"

"I'm sure his fan club will throw a parade when he's back"

"Hush" she scolded with a smile. "He's under a lot of pressure"

I knew the championship rode on his shoulders. Between his hockey fantasy, his crazy ex, my crap job, I hadn't seen him until his muscles seemed to double overnight.

And now he's single. Add in girl obsessions.

I washed my hands and dried them on the back of my jeans. Hopefully, no one found out Dan could cook.

Mom shoved a bowl at me, full of raw beef and pork. I added brown sugar and seasonings while her knife rocked and chopped onions. Since I could do this in my sleep, I didn't measure the basil, oregano and garlic powder before adding them. "Dad's closing tonight" she mumbled, shaking her head. "End of the month, you know?"

I knew from his daily updates, but I always asked, "How many cars did he sell this month?"

"Six new, eleven used. Hoping for another tonight"

"That's good" I mumbled, stirring my bowl.

Buying a car was a big decision, which fluctuated Dad's income. To make up for it, Mom was a manager at an insurance company. Dan and I wanted nothing to do with their jobs.

"He got Friday nights off this season"

"Of course he is" I mumbled to the meat. The season. Not Christmas, not holidays and not fall.

"Dad wouldn't help today anyway. I'm glad I have you"

Dad was a mess in the kitchen, but Mom was a cooking machine. Her love for it was contagious. Making something out of ingredients and getting my hands messy was fun, almost as fun as reading.

"What are we listening to today?" Mom asked, pausing and raising an eyebrow at the audio book flowing from my phone.

"The Adventures of Augie March" I smiled at my selection. "It's on my English literature reading list"

"I'm not sure what I could comment on more" Her eyes sparkled, the same eyes she gave to Dan and I. "That you'd rather listen to a book than let your Mom dance, you're getting into your English reading list before school starts, or you're cheating by using an audio book"

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