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Aurora's POV

"There you are" Dad patted my shoulder when I squeezed past again. "That was a long bathroom break, where did you go?"

"I said hi to Matt's Mom" I pointed to the opposite side of the stadium, but now she sat on our side, holding a paper bag. "And I needed a snack"

"Dan was looking for you"

"Really?" I looked down at the ice and spotted Dan. "If I jump up and down, waving my arms, do you think he'll see me?"

Mom laughed. "No, but if we all do it, he'll have a family of idiots"

Raine looked at me from under her lashes. "No, I don't do family embarrassment things"

"How was your halftime?" I smiled, looking at her for signs. Her lips were fuller before halftime, so inspected both sides of her neck for evidence.

She leaned back. "What are you doing?"

"Checking for hickies" I laughed. "I'm disappointed"

"We weren't gone that long" she said, rolling her eyes. She looked back down at the ice. "Go arm flap at your brother"

"Dan! Dan! Dan!" Mom, Dad and I screamed, flapping our arms, but he didn't see. The only reaction we got was confused looks from other people.

"We have to do it together, like a one, two, three thing" Dad said, holding up his hand

Mom frowned. "Fine. Are we saying Dan on three, or is it one, two, three and then Dan?"

"It's not complicated- oh he sees us" I waved at Dan and he raised his hand in our direction, before turning back to warm up. "Thirty more minutes" my heart raced. "Then I can breath"

"Me too" Mom agreed. Wedged between Mom and Raine, a crinkle sound came from my left side.

"What's that?" Raine pointed at the brown bag I had under my elbow.

"Waffles" I took them out of the bag and waved them under her nose. "Want one?"

"Fuck, no" she pushed my hand away. "Especially because you got cinnamon on them"

"Yum" I teased, biting the waffle. Crunchy layers filled my mouth. "You're missing out"

"Very ladylike, Aurora" Mom scolded

I rolled my eyes, shook the crumbs out of the bag and handed it to her. "Need this?" I asked, and smiled when she tucked it under her leg. "Just don't inhale the cinnamon and sugar in there"

"Ready for the second half?" I asked Raine.

"Can't say I care" she whispered. "You?"

I swallowed my food and nodded. "I am"

The games second half was more exciting, or maybe my sugar rush kicked in. From what I saw, the defensive side on both teams started to get tired.

My eyes shifted between the ice and the time. The seconds went by so slowly.

"Their captain is too good!" Mom groaned, rubbing her head. "Someone tackle him! Take out his ankles!"

My jaw dropped. "Mom!"

"Oh yeah. He's your-"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "Stop" I frowned at my Dad's scolding expression. "I don't know what he is yet" Mom looked at Dad, who now had furrowed eyebrows. I dropped my hand and she wiped her mouth.

"Hey!" I whispered to Raine, who was too busy with her phone. "Ryan, huh?" I nudged her and smiled. She nodded, but her smile gave everything away.

"Hey" I nudged her again. "If everything works out tonight, I'll take you up on that Homecoming thing"

The Hockey Player (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now