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Matt's POV

Guys napped, listened to music or scrolled on their phones. No one talked except the coaches.

The forests became rocky coastlines, and I slumped in my seat. She didn't trust me, and I hated it.

I shouldn't care. What Aurora thinks of me shouldn't affect me.

I couldn't convince myself it was because she didn't see the full picture. Why did I care? Her reaction would've been different if I told her the truth. She didn't see the veins popping in my neck when I told Nate the three idiots needed a lesson in common decency.

Why was I pissed? Her soft words hit me like bricks.

Nate looked at me from across the aisle. "Are you okay?"

Unless three pages counted, I hadn't read my chemistry book for the past two hours. I set the book back in my bag. "I'm fine" I lied

He slid closer. "You're a bad liar" Why was he always right? I was a bad liar, especially to him. So I stayed quiet, but Nate didn't. "Still think to junior shits told her?"

The reminder made me clench my fists. I hope these three enjoyed their last weekend of existence. "Yeah" they had to have told have something. How else would she know?

"You like her" he said in a low voice. "Aurora"

Now he's wrong. I let out a sharp breath. "No" we sat in silence before I sighed. "She knows about the game and she thinks I'm a player"

He rubbed his face and groaned. "Fuck, how much does she know?"

"Lucky guess? I don't know, but I couldn't lie to her"

"I doubt that impressed her" Nate shook his head. "You did the right thing shutting the game down. Does she know you cancelled it?"

I shook my head. Fuck, I deleted the game three times during camp. Might need a new, idiot proof approach. Nate blinked at like he expected more truth vomiting. "I'm just an asshole hockey player who doesn't treat girls like they have feelings"

Her disappointment caused a hole in my chest. Not a sharp one, more like a dull gauge.

"Can't blame her" He raised his eyebrows. "Your plan went to shit, but she doesn't know that you're not a player"

"Doesn't matter" I said, looking away. Unfocused wasn't me. "She tried to blow me off" Especially her goodbye in a cold, voice. Shut down before she knew me.

"She might change her mind" by the doubt in his mind, Nate didn't believe his empty words. "Are you going to ask her out?"

"I tried" I looked down, full of....discomfort?

He laughed and shook his head. "Who are you? The Matt I know has an ego the size of this bus. He doesn't quit, he conquers"

Was this a pep talk? Maybe Nate didn't know me as well as he thought. "You're talking about hockey games" I smiled. "We aren't all lucky in relationships"

He blinked at me and stared at me like I spoke in a different language. "You think my relationship with Ava happens itself? Half the time I'm in trouble and I don't know why. Quit being a bitch and work for it"

"I'm not being a bitch"

"Look" he tapped the seat. "Shit timing with Madison, but Aurora's lucky you feel this way. It's healthy to express your feelings. Focus on what's important"

Important. He was right, except for the feelings. Winning games was my priority.

"Thanks" He nodded and slid back into his seat.

The Hockey Player (Matt Sturniolo) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin