Cheap Seats

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Aurora's POV

I went back to my seat, feeling my heart pound in my chest. My school event checkbox was the only reason I pushed through the awkward exchange. What was with Matt? Why would he look at me?

"Aurora, there you are" Mom leaned forward in her seat.

I squeezed in my stomach, passing my parents. With my hand rubbing my sore skin, I smiled. "Yeah, I was-"

"We saw. Everyone saw" Dad squeezed my arm. "Didn't know you had that in you"

"Everyone?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Even Dan?"

"Don't worry. Dan was tying his shoe when you passed the puck" Mom said and I sucked in my gut, passing her. "Going off how miserable you looked down there, I'll guess you didn't talk to him"

"Yeah" I bit my lip and sat down on my seat. "That was the happiest I could fake. He owes me an apology"

Raine laughed as I sat down. "Did you kiss a fucking puck?"

I covered my mouth as she spoke. "You know, that's not what you're supposed to kiss-"

"Okay" I cut her off. "We don't need to go there. My parents are here"

It was the worst game I'd ever seen. During ever play, I was stuck between being excited and nervous. Dan and Matt were never on the ice at the same time, so I cheered for whoever was winning, despite the glares when I cheered for Matt's team.

Dan was confident, prepared and mechanical. He controlled his team and barked out orders. His patience paid off, as his team took the lead in the game .

"At least the meatball rolling he missed paid off" I said to Mom. Her face was pale and her nerves started to take over.

Matt was mesmerising. My eyes were stuck to him. He was quick on his feet, and good at improvisation.

The way Matt's helmet shifted, he guessed the other players moves before they flinched. He made it look easy, and played with his opponents.

I watched a lot of hockey games for Dan since I was a kid, and he didn't play as good. No offence to Dan, but the first time I observed a game, I felt awe from a players ability. Dan was talented and worked hard, but Matt was gifted.

"He's really good" Even Raine was impressed. "Looks like the only one who can sack him, is you, Aurora"

"Raine!" I elbowed her. "My parents!"

Her only response was texting with a smile on her face. Ryan.

Matt lifted his team from the deficit, but not without drama. He faked a pass, then skated so far until he was pushed out of bounds.

Both sides of the stadium stood up as the players pushed and shouted at each other. My eyes widened at Dan being held back by his team mate, his words being shot at Matt. I squeezed Mom's hand. By her pale face, she needed a brown paper bag. "Don't do it, Dan"

Dan stopped, then pointed at the scoreboard. I sighed in relief when he stepped back. Matt went back to the sidelines, huddled with his team to set up their play.

Matt out-skated an opposing team mate and charged forward. Groans and curse words came from our side when he scored, but I smiled.

After Matt and his team celebrated, he looked in Dan's direction. He must have said something before he pointed to the score board, because Dan's guys on the bench stood up.

"Halftime" Mom cleared her throat.

"I need to use the bathroom" I said, smiling and turned to Raine. She smiled at her phone, before putting it in her pocket. "Raine?"

The Hockey Player (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now