He Cares

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Aurora's POV

Raine: text me what happened with Matt if you won't tell me the details. Now.

Details? I blushed at the memory of Matt's kisses. The sensations I felt kissing him, weren't me, how my heart raced and how electricity surged through my veins. The feel of his hands on my skin made my cheeks warm.

How much I liked him, considering how we met, came with an edge of trepidation. Hopefully, he felt the same. Did he? He was supportive at the beach, but maybe the heaviness of what I told him, changed his mind. It was a lot to digest and we were long distance. It was Tuesday, and Matt's silence chewed on me.

Maybe texting Raine would distract me...or make it worse.

Aurora: I don't kiss and tell

Raine: bullshit!

Raine: that means there was kissing, so you better tell me.

Raine: unless it was bad.

Raine: if that didn't help, check under your bed tonight ;)

Of course she left one behind. Hopefully, it was the smallest one wedged between my mattress and box springs.

Aurora: not funny!

Raine: if it's funny, you aren't using it correctly.

As much as I wanted a diversion, that wasn't the kind I had in mind. The only action it deserved was being thrown in the trash.

Aurora: new topic, please

Raine: I hooked up with Ryan

"Wow" I whispered to my lap.

"Who are you texting?" Dan's voice snapped my head up.

"Raine. Chill, Dan"

He frowned and shook his head. "I don't want to see that, Aurora"

"Jealous?" I teased and rolled my eyes. "Ryan must be important if she met him after kissing all those guys. It wouldn't hurt for you to be happy for her"

Aurora: can I meet him?

Raine: hopefully

Aurora: I'd like that.

I meant what I said. If Ryan was important to her, he had to pass the best friend test. Raine preferred anonymity, so I never pushed at why she hid most guys.

My phone buzzed multiple times in my hand.

Raine: I haven't heard of any Dan explosions yet.

Raine: did you tell him?
Raine: I need details

Raine: and popcorn

I looked over at Dan. Another hell work shift. No thanks to him.

Aurora: tell you later

I squirmed in my seat. My feet were swollen from the shoes, and my skin itched from the horrible pants. My brain was numb with feelings, and my arms, legs and every muscle felt like I'd been run over by a bus.

I was too busy to process my thoughts at work. The  hockey team of babysitters attracted the biggest crowd so far. Every guest was packed with hockey players, their girlfriends, fans, parents and neighbours.

The mentions of 'Matt Sturniolo' from whispers to Dan's team grimaced to more side by side comparisons to Dan than I could count.

Not gonna lie: this time I listened to football gossip. Matt being the only player Dan talked about, meant he was good. According to his online stats, Matt was stellar. What did that look like in person?

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