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Smg3: He keeps kicking me in the dick!  Why!?  Why does he keep kicking me in the dick?!

Smg4: Wait, I think I know a way to beat him.

Smg3: If you say "hit him really hard," I swear to god, I will kick you in the dick!

Smg4: Well, I guess we could hit him...Really hard...

Smg3: *Annoyed growl*

Smg4: Together?

Smg3: ...Whatever.


Melony: We got a free day now.  What do you wanna do?  Eat?  Sleep?  Nap?  Snack?


Mario: He called me the B-word.

Bob: MoThErFuCkEr DoEsN't StArT wItH a "B."


Saiko: Who ate all of the snacks in the kitchen?!

Mario: Luigi did!

Luigi: What?!  No I didn't, you did!

Mario: Come on, take one for the team!

Luigi: What team?!

Mario: The team of me eating everyone's snacks and you covering for me!


*In a group chat*

Smg3: First one to reply is gat.

Smg3: *Gay

Smg3: Wait...


Meggy: I'm a medium by the way.  Lots of fans keep sending me large clothing, but I can't wear them cause they're too big.

Mario: I'm an XL.  A lot of fans keep sending me smalls because they think I'm a petite little boy.  But I am in fact a large fat man.


Nutty: I hate math.  Math is one of the most dumbest things in the world.

Nutty: 0 is more than or equal to X which is more than or equal to -3.

Nutty: I'm sure that means something to some people, but I'm looking at and none of those are real numbers.

Nutty: 0 means nothing and -3 means less than nothing.  That doesn't make any sense!

Nutty: I'm measuring the distance between jackshit and fuckall!


Saiko: I don't wanna see you get hurt, ok!  That guy could have killed you!  I know you think your tough, but you are fucking five feet tall!

Meggy: I am five foot two!


Bob: YoU'vE nEvEr ReAd AnY nEwSpApEr CoMiCs?  LiKe PeAnUtS.  yOu'Ve NeVeR rEaD pEaNuTs?

Melony: Nope.

*Cut to Bob holding a football while Melony prepares to run at it*

Bob: Go AhEaD!  I PrOmIsE i'Ll HoLd It!


Smg4: Did you do something?

Mario: You need to be more specific.

Smg4: Did you do something illegal?

Mario: More specific.

Smg4: Did you do something illegal recently that would get you in trouble?

Smg4: Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now