48-Halloween Special

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Bob: Do YoU wAnNa CaRvE a PuMpKiN? iT dOeSn'T hAvE tO bE a PuMpKiN tHoUgH.

Meggy: What else are we gonna carve? A body?


*The Smg4crew is about to do a haunted house*

Smg4: Okay, if the person at the door asks who we are; I'm the leader, Mario is my number two, Saiko's our combat strength, Melony's our intelligence, Bob and Meggy are our backup support, and Boopkins is the canary.

Boopkins: "Canary?"

Smg4: We send you in first, and if you die, we know the room is dangerous.

Boopkins: Gee, thanks.


Smg4: Luigi, why are you going as a trash bag for Halloween?

Luigi: ...I'm supposed to be Batman-


Tari: Guys, we're out of candy!

Saiko: Already? There's only been 3 kids!

Tari: Yeah, but one little girl said my costume was cute, so I just gave her everything.


Smg3: I wonder what I should be for Halloween?

Smg4: Mine.

Smg3: ...

Smg3: Yeah that would be pretty scary.


Chris, dressed as a Van Hellsing: Hey Swag, where's your costume?

Swagmaster, in normal clothes: I'm a homicidal maniac, they look just like everybody else.

Chris: ...


Nutty: Sup, Mario.  Trick or YEET?

Mario: Yeet?

Nutty, grabbing Mario: YEET it is.

Nutty: *Throws Mario*


Luigi: What did you guys get?

Smg4: I got some Kit Kats.

Meggy: I got a king size Hershey Bar!

Tari: I got a Butterfinger and some M&Ms!

Bob: I gOt A rOcK.


*Nutty is chasing Bob with a pumpkin carver in the distance*

Smg3, just arriving: So does anyone want to explain to me why Nutty is chasing Bob around with malicious intent?

Saiko, who's been watching the whole time: We ran out of pumpkins to carve. So Bob, with his lack of wisdom, thought it was a good idea to carve a melon...Right in front of Melony.


Smg2: Smg1, I'm going to be a dinosaur for Halloween.

Smg1: And why's that?

Smg2: So that I can roar at and bite people I don't like without getting in trouble.

Smg1: ...

Smg1: You are a wonderful monster.


Luigi: Mario, I thought you were decorating for Halloween?

Smg4: Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now