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Smg3: Do you care about your friends?

Nutty: Of course, all of them.

Smg3: Would you do anything for them?

Nutty: Name it and I'm there.

Smg3: What if they had a problem?

Nutty: Talk to me.

Smg3: Even if they were going through something really tough?

Nutty: Then they won't have to face it alone.

Smg3: What if it hurt them too much to talk about?

Nutty: As much as it hurts, it's only gonna hurt more if you don't open up.

Smg3: Ok good.  Now this next part is really important.

Nutty: Lay it on me.

Smg3: What if you had a problem?

Nutty: Bottle it up!

Smg3: No no-

Nutty: Push it all the way down and don't be a burden!

Smg3: No-what you just said-what you just said before-

Nutty: My friends have enough to deal with!

Smg3: Back Nutty, think back-

Nutty: Conceal, don't feel!  Do not let it go!

Smg3, exhausted: Ok let's just start from the top again.


Saiko: Meggy, Tari, you're my friends and all, but can I ask what in the hell are you two doing?

Tari, trying to stabilize a tower of folding chairs that Meggy is sitting atop: Oh nothing much.

Meggy: You're our friend too :)


Boopkins: Hey do you wanna hang out this weekend?

Bob: GeNeRiC eXcUsE.

Boopkins: I can't believe you said that out loud, to my face.

Bob: I cAn.


Luigi: So, you lied to me?

Mario: That depends on how you define lying.

Luigi: Well, I define it as not telling the truth.  How do you define it?

Mario: Um, reclining your body in a horizontal position?


Meggy: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate-like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.

Mario: This is a lie.

Mario: I'm literally dating her.  This is a lie.



Bob: In AlCoHoL's DeFeNsE, i'Ve DoNe SoMe PrEtTy DuMb ShIt WhIlE cOmPlEtElY sObEr ToO.


Chris: You're a loose cannon, Mario.

Mario: No, I'm not.  I'm a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon?  Is that what you think of me?

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