Part 68

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Qian Heng felt like he was going to be mad at Cheng Yao tonight.

He should have drove the car around in a big circle back to his villa, then calm down, take a shower, and sleep.

It's a pity that in the end, the action came before the heart. At the intersection about a quarter of an hour away from home, Qian Heng turned around and drove to Wu Jun's house.

Jun Wu likes the large flat floors of serviced apartments, not as quiet as villas, but more modern, more lively around, and convenient for shopping and entertainment.

When he opened the door and saw Qian Heng, his face was full of undisguised surprises: "What's the matter?"

Qian Hengshu sat down on the sofa in a familiar way: "Oh, just passing by, think of a case to discuss with you."


The case is a family insurance dispute that Qian Heng recently approached. He absently chatted with Wu Jun casually, and just when Wu Jun was about to study seriously, Qian Heng changed the subject——

"Oh, I just happen to have something to ask you."

"Huh? In what way?"

Qian Heng pursed his lips, avoiding Wu Jun's sight: "Emotional."

Wu Jun suddenly became interested: "Oh? What's your situation?"

Qian Heng glared at him: "It's not me. It's a friend of mine."

Wu Jun smiled meaningfully: "Oh, it's a friend of yours."

Qian Heng was too lazy to pay attention to him. He coughed and said, "My friend, recently encountered a little emotional distress, came to ask me, but I am not good at this, so I think you should be more able to answer if you have more experience. "

Wu Jun smiled: "What kind of confusion did your friend encounter specifically?"

"He received a fanatical confession from a woman. This woman often overlaps with his work."

Wu Jun followed the good temptation: "If you don't like it, just refuse. Even if you have a connection at work, we men must be loyal to our heart. And you... your friend, according to the law of gathering things together, should be like you. Just force yourself to work, right?"

"En." Qian Heng nodded, "He didn't agree, but rejected the other party with a tactful hint, and then dealt with the matter coldly."

"and then?"

"Then, this woman actually gave up like that." Qian Heng couldn't help but gritted his teeth a bit. He tried to calm down, "For me... this friend, I think she is more sincere with such a heart. I don't think I can't give it a try, but within a few days, this woman has changed her mind and never mentions her confession. She also claims to be obsessed with work and loveless. There are totally two faces."

Wu Jun touched his chin: "After the other party confessed, did you give the other party a hint that they can try it?"


Qian Heng had to emphasize again: "It's a friend of mine."

Wu Jun said without sincerity: "Oh, I mean your friend."

Qian Heng reserved: "My friend, also has some hints."

"That's you... Your friend's suggestion is not obvious enough. Girls, at the moment when they take the initiative to confess, they have exhausted all their courage. In fact, they are not so brave. They are still very thin and sensitive. After others confessed, you... your friend did not care about the cold treatment and even faintly refused, then the other person would be more mournful than heartbroken. Maybe in just one day, the other party's emotions have been on the roller coaster a hundred times. His enthusiasm was cooled down, and then he began to regret his confession..."

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