Chapter 71: The third breakup (5)

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It's more about expectation than fear.

It's not that the men don't like fighting. The origin of this world happened to be a military commander with martial arts skills. The first two worlds are of the scholar type, and this time Song Yucheng also wanted to have a good experience of the horse-riding comfort.

It was only after the people in the dark surrounded Song that appeared, Song Yucheng's face suddenly sank.

Unlike the thief in the original memory, the thief here is not so much a thief as a soldier.

Even though these military uniforms on their bodies were already dirty, Song Yucheng could still recognize them at a glance, and it was the standard military uniform of Daan for twelve years.

It is now thirty-two years of Da'an, that is to say, these people are all veterans of ten years. After being a soldier for ten years, it is impossible to fail to understand how to defend the home and protect the country, but now I can come out to stop the road and rob it. It can be seen what this Rongcheng is like.

The heralding soldier frowned as well, with a trace of intolerance in his eyes. His previous days were not good either. They only became better after he later followed Song Yucheng. So every time I see such a scene, I feel very uncomfortable.

It's uncomfortable, and things have to be done. What's more, the prince of his own county took over, and the soldiers in this Rongcheng city will also improve a lot in the future.

Thinking so, he took the initiative to step forward and asked quietly. "Several military lords have something to do with us?" The pleasing look is like a little servant with ordinary skills.

The veterans were also confused by his appearance, and mistakenly thought that Song Yucheng and the herald soldiers were ordinary young masters and attendants passing by. Coincidentally, I plan to borrow some money from you to spend. Young Master, I think you have fine skin and tender meat, you definitely don't want to be beaten, it is better to pay directly, and our brother will let you go."

"Yes, how much do you want?" This time it wasn't the herald soldier who answered, but Song Yucheng spoke up.

"Go to the road!" The robbery soldiers looked at him with pleasure, and then relaxed. "So, we will not hurt your life. You can let you leave the horse and the money on us!"

However, Song Yucheng smiled unexpectedly, "If you want money, this horse, I'm afraid you can't afford it."

"Fuck! Isn't it fun to play Lao Tzu!" The robbery soldier ruff saw that the play in Song Yucheng's eyes was suddenly angry, and he would strike him in the next step.

However, the movement of the heralding soldier was much faster than him. After a stride, he stopped him and raised his foot, kicking the one that followed next.

It can only be said that none of the soldiers in Song Yucheng's hands are good stubble. They are all humanoid weapons that have really experienced combat. By comparison, the soldiers are too weak.

But after a while, he was beaten and knelt down to call his father. Five or six people had never beaten Song Yucheng and the two of them. No, to be precise, the herald soldier beside Song Yucheng was never beaten. However, half of the tea time, all lying on the floor to whisper pain.

"Boy! Now the changer asks you a few questions." Song Yucheng saw the situation and dismounted slowly, walked to the headed soldier, and raised his head with the whip.

"Yeah asks you, how many guards are there in Rongcheng? What other officials are there in the city? Who said it?"

"What do you mean?" The soldier originally thought that Song Yucheng was going to beat him and was ready to play grandson. But he never expected that he asked himself many questions related to Rongcheng's interior.

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