"The second I heard you gained a higher score than me, I immediately chose you as my academic rival." Heeseung seemed intrigued. "Well in the end, who knew the outcome would turn out like this?"

"And that is?" Misun quietly asked.

"Falling in love with you."

The girl felt a strong gust of wind fly through her hair. Heeseung held his long adoring stare and smile on her. Everything was perfect in this moment. Her lips parted, wondering how handsome he could be. The wind continued blowing while Misun came back to reality. Their gazes that held onto one another showed how they truly love each other.



They both laughed at each other from the sudden jinx. "Sorry, you can go first." he gestured his hand.

"No no, you go first. What were you gonna say?" Misun's head leaned to the right to hear him. He coughed a bit and nodded, seeming to be nervous. Heeseung looked straight into her eyes with such determination.

"Misun, I love you."

She was in utter shock. Heeseung said exactly what she was going to say to him. Without her giving any answer directly after, he obviously started to be all jittery and grabbed onto her hands.

"Was that too soon? I'm sorry, I probably should've waited-"

"I love you too, Heeseung." She finally responded, smiling with such endearing eyes. Heeseung widened his eyes before coming closer to Misun and placing one hand on her cheek and one on her hip.

He connected both their lips together. Misun melted into his touch as she let him move along her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I really love you so much Misun, thank you making a spot for me in your world." Heeseung released his lips from hers, and collided both their bodies as he engulfed her in a tight yet loving hug.

Misun's head rested on his chest as she closed her eyes. Her once shut doors were finally opened and it was all because of Lee Heeseung. She would've never opened up to anyone or love anyone if it wasn't for him. her lover and her enemy at the same time.

"Misun's mom!" Heeseung screamed, making her jump up in surprise.

She looked up at him and had seen him facing straight at the sky. What was he doing?

"I'm Lee Heeseung and I hope you'll take me as your daughter's boyfriend. Thank you for giving life to Misun." He talked to the sky, specifically, to her mom up in heaven who is hopefully hearing him.

"She would have loved you very much, Hee." Misun turned at him with dreamy eyes and gave him a peck on the lips. "I appreciate you doing that, really. It must be nice for her to hear that from you."

The both of them continued on chatting and eating their food. They were both in their own realms that was filled with their love. Heeseung and Misun wouldn't want any other way than to be there facing each other with so much affection.

"Hey, Mi-ah." He said.

"Hm?" Misun hummed, trying to chew the food she had in her mouth.

"I still have one more present for you." She covered her the food she chewed in her mouth before swallowing. "What is it?" Misun asked.

Heeseung proceeded to stick his hand into the pockets of pants and brought out a small black box. She watched how gentle he was with her gift and wanted to know what it was so badly. He lifted the cover and revealed a necklace, specifically a silver necklace with a small katana pendant.

Misun's eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh my god!"

"Do you like it it?" He nervously asked her.

"Like it? I love it. This is so perfect and fitting." He then took the necklace and moved around her back to attach the necklace to her neck. Heeseung spent hours of coming up with this idea and it paid off.

"Thank you, Heeseung. I really do love it." Misun turned her head so she could place a kiss on his cheek.

She spent the next couple of minutes staring and observing her necklace. Misun was very grateful for him and his gift because anyone else would've never thought about this present. Heeseung stood up from their picnic blanket and spoke to her.

"Let's see if you can beat me by racing to the water." He smirked while saying that. Heeseung had been already eyeing the water.

Misun furrowed her eyebrows and by the time she had swallowed her food, he was getting up and started running. She widened her eyes, "Hey!" Now she started running, praying that she wouldn't throw up after just digesting her food.

"Not fair! You ran before I even got up." Misun cutely pouted at him.

Heeseung laughed at her while they stood at the very edge to wear the water meets. He placed both hands on her cheeks and pinched them. "You're so cute." She huffed and puffed at him. Misun didn't try removing his hands though.

"Don't worry about anything that you win and lose. You will always win my heart."

In the end, they both won.



a/n : this book is finally finished! i apologize for the wait on the last couple of chapters but i thank everyone for taking the time to read this book.🫶

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