Chapter 132 - In Short Notice

Start from the beginning

"Alright then, that's step one complete! As for the next one..." Malak says as she prepares her special arrows while ducking from some blaster fire. 

"The next time they reload, it's where Andrei comes in, then Malak uses her distraction and bam, it's all over for them," Jack says as he peeks at the street on the right side. From there, he notices a wrecked truck that has some chrome tubes still intact, to which he glances in Andrei's direction again. 

"What now, Jack?" Andrei asks. 

"Go to the truck in case the body doesn't hold up well. Alright, on my count, we'll rush in..." From there, all four stand guard as the muscles in the feet tense up, their glances peeking up at the directions of where they will strike, which will heavily depend on how much can Andrei sustain the body. 

"Right on!" Andrei says. 

"On the one..." The one chance to get it right. 

For their homeland. 

"On the two..." 

For those who fell before. 

"On the three!" With that, as soon as the gunfire and blaster cease, Andrei then rushes with all the speed he can muster, all while keeping his sight on what's to come if he gets hit too much. 

The moment that happens, some Zlocan Knights spot them and they start firing in Andrei's direction, yet despite the speed of the reaction for someone like him, he manages to evade the bullets and lasers thrown at them, which makes Andrei laugh a lot for this. 

With one swift turn, Malak stands up and faces the building block on the left, she pulls her bow with the three metal arrows with orange tips, which beep the moment releases her grip on the bow, launching all three of them near the windows where some of the Knights and collaborators are inside. Impact near the walls, they explode, which makes some scream as well as launching some of the bricks and other debris into their surroundings. 

The force of the explosion is enough to make the Knights and enforcers on the other side flinch a bit and turn toward the other building which now has one smoking hole in the lower floor. With that, both Jack and Luce step out of the van's wreckage and rush toward the building in front of them while the rest are kept distracted by Andrei's running. For that, Jack pulls the trigger and unleashes a barrage of bullets which impact many of the Zlocans and enforcers that he spots while turning to his left. Lucy follows it by throwing various knives at the unprotected chests of most Human soldiers she can spot. 

All of them flinch and drop the weapons the moment the knives impact certain areas like the heart and stomach, which Jack further compounds as he riddles them with bullets as he runs like he's in a marathon. 

These factors, combined with Malak covering fire with more of the arrows, manage to silence the entire block of buildings, now leaving the four Warriors standing together as they stare at the smocking wreckage that they left behind. Jack merely chuckles a bit as he turns around to face Luce and both slap their hands with the five fingers. 

"It turned out to be better after all. Well, at least in comparison to how the four would have done it," Andrei says as he stretches his arms while his body turns back into his organic form. 

"What matters is that we kept the safe, which I'm sure they'll appreciate it," Malak adds as she places her hands near her hips and tilts her head around. 

"Of course, it's what makes the stress even lower than it should be. At least they made the correct decision this time," Lucy says as she cleans some bits of her glasses with her jacket. 

"With most of our forces stretching thin, it's almost a necessity in dividing the duties at this rate. Especially when it concerns them," Jack says as he frowns with crossed arms and glances upward. 

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