477. Booming Battle

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Buggy's battle continues although it doesn't go as he had planned. He thought he would have a massive advantage after fusing Cricket's and Enel's abilities into his body using Dela's ability. But before he could even show this mode's real power, Imu also got a lot stronger after activating his awakened mode.

So Buggy can only fight the much stronger Imu now. He's really glad he has Cricket's Azure Dragon and Enel's Lightning power now because Imu has become a lot faster and stronger. It's not that he isn't confident he can win using his own power, but their power gives him more options to use.

"Damn, dude! You are using your awakened power too soon. The villains usually used their hidden power when they almost lost to the Main Character. Then the Main Character would pull a miracle with their Power of Friendship or just because they said some encouraging shits that's basically just them activating their plot armor."

Buggy rants a bit while fighting Imu, but the furious Demon King doesn't say anything and just keeps throwing powerful attacks at Buggy.

"No response, huh? Must be because you think I am not the Main Character of this world, which I agree with. If I were this world's Main Character, I would have the power to kick your ass before I even turned 20 because I won't need to train as much as I did and became as strong or maybe even stronger than now with the help of my plot armor, luck, and talent as a Main Character. Hmm, or maybe I don't even need to be that strong and just defeat you using Talk no Jutsu. Another scenario is I suddenly awakened some strange power or shit that surprised everyone, but then it would get nerfed."


Imu finally has enough of Buggy's rants of bullshit that he keeps spouting while fighting. He doesn't understand most of the things that Buggy says, but he knows that Buggy is looking down on him by saying so many things while fighting him. It's like Buggy is saying this fight is too easy that he can talk that calmly.

"You want me to shut up? Make me shut up then."

Buggy grins as he exchanges blow after blow with Imu while moving around the sky or ground at a very high speed. In Buggy's mind, his battle with Imu must've looked like DBZ battles that flash around everywhere. Though the battleground isn't the whole planet like those DBZ fights.

The Clown Pirates are retreating quite far to avoid getting affected by the battle. They have retreated to the sea already using their ship that luckily is very durable so it didn't get destroyed by the great impacts of Imu's attacks. Now, they are watching the fight while the injured are being treated.

They watch as the fallen part of Red Line is getting destroyed every time Buggy and Imu clash near the ground. The ground on Buggy's side is always being chopped before being blown away by the impact while the ground on Imu's side melts before the lava is pushed back too.

It's not just the hard ground that gets affected, but also the sea and sky. The seawater becomes violent as the impacts push it around, creating big and violent waves. In the sky, strong typhoons are appearing as the clouds are churning up. The clouds get darker and darker too as lightning bolts strike continuously.

These phenomena can be seen even from New Marineford where everyone can also feel the suffocating pressure caused by Buggy's fight against Imu. Even the normal soldiers and pirates can feel the tension now which makes them nervous without knowing why.

The pressure affects everyone there, making them unable to fight properly. Even the powerful bigshots have become uneasy now. So both the pirate and Marine sides agree to halt their war for now without saying anything. They only glance at each other to know that no one wishes to fight in this condition.

"That Red Nose brat, just what kind of thing that he is pulling right now?"

"Are you sure you want to be on his side now, Whitebeard? With this level of power, he won't need your help at all. Maybe he will remove you after he's done with this stunt and you won't be able to resist. I doubt even you in your prime is the match of someone whose power's effect can reach this far."

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