451. Bombing Holy City

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The situation on Marie Geoise doesn't look good for the alliance. They are discovered by the remaining forces including the 5 Elders, Chief Commander Kong, and even some remaining CP0 agents that weren't sent to Marineford.

"It's the correct choice to not send some agents to Marineford. We would be pinched if we sent them all."

"Dragon, you really used this chance well. Attacking the Holy City when our focus is on the war, not a bad idea. You could come and wreak havoc, but don't expect to return alive."

The 5 elders seem very determined to take Dragon's life here. He is the most dangerous enemy of World Government currently. It's not his power that made him dangerous, but his ideal and clear hostile actions toward them.

Buggy and Clown Pirates are the most dangerous group in the world. But they don't actively oppose the World Government, unlike the Revolutionary Army. That's why Clown Pirates aren't seen as the greatest threat to World Government despite being the most dangerous group.

Dragon looks around to see the enemies that have come. Currently, only his Revolutionary Army members and leaders are there. Heart Pirates and the ninjas are nowhere to be seen. Morley has hidden the Heart Pirates underground while the ninjas are still moving around stealthily.

"Staying silent now, aren't you? It seems you've realized that struggling is hopeless."

"Then, we will end you here."


Suddenly, a massive explosion happens, but it's not happening at the confrontation spot. The explosion happens at one of the Celestial Dragons' mansions located on the outskirts of the noble residential area. After that, several other explosions happen in the other mansions from the outside to the inside area.

The explosions are getting closer to the palace, which makes the World Government's side panic. Using the explosions as distractions, the Revolutionary Army escapes. They use Morley's power to enter the ground and go down the Red Line together with Heart Pirates.

"Law, what were those explosions?"

Morley asks Law because those explosions weren't part of their plan.

"Those are explosions caused by explosive collars. We triggered the collars to explode using small controlled explosives. Those small explosives triggered the collars and made them explode at the same time. I know you don't want to kill them yet to avoid angering the World Government too much. But I thought it was the best solution to take you out of there fast and avoid battle."

"You made the right call. I don't mind killing some Celestial Dragons now even if it means the World Government will give more effort to destroy us. This will happen sooner or later anyway and Buggy has promised me he will help us till the end."

"It seems you trust that man so much."

"Trust, huh? Rather than trusting him, it's more like I can't escape from him. He always knows what I need and provides them to me. It's like he really knows me, but I only know a few things about him. I always feel like I'm just dancing on his palm. However, everything we do together has helped me get closer to my goal. So yeah, maybe I trust him now."

"Sigh, we are similar, huh? I also feel like he is using me, but he also supports me. He even said it to me that he helped me so that I can repay him for everything. It's strange that I don't hate him even though he used me to do some of his businesses like this."

"Haha, yeah, as annoying as he is, I can't help but respect him."

While they go down the Red Line relaxedly, Marie Geoise is in chaos. The remaining guards and agents are searching for Celestial Dragons in a hurry. In this situation, saving the Celestial Dragons is more important than chasing the Revolutionary Army.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang