432. Pacifista

685 37 4

A big commotion happen because Luffy punched a Celestial Dragon. People are panicking and trying to run away because they know an Admiral will come here. Hatchan also knows that, so he immediately goes to release Camie.

Leo cuts the tank and Hatchan picks Camie out of it. A female Celestial Dragon suddenly comes up the stage and points a pistol at Camie. Hatchan just peeks at her before flicking one of his tentacles to shoot a water droplet.

He is quite good at using Fishman Karate now after learning it along with swordsmanship. The water droplet hits the female Celestial Dragon's forehead and knocks her out instantly. It surprises the Straw Hats because they never thought that Hatchan would be this strong.

Hatchan only uses enough power to knock her out because killing her will create big problems. His action might put Fishmen in bigger danger, after all. The Celestial Dragons will see him as a Fishman before a pirate, so they will blame Fishmen first before Clown Pirates.

After knocking out the female Celestial Dragon who is the sister of the one that Luffy knocked out, he knocks out their father who shouts from his seat. The auction house falls into chaos as fights break everywhere. The Straw Hats are fighting the Celestial Dragons' guards who seem very angry.

There are 2 other rookie pirate crews led by 2 Supernovas there. The Heart Pirates led by Law and Kid Pirates led by Kid. They aren't panicking like the other people and just watch the show calmly from their seats.

Buggy is looking at Law & Lami who have grown well. He has met them a few times before they entered Grandline and they are still in contact albeit rarely. Law still has the ambition to take revenge on Doflamingo because that pink guy almost killed him & his sister.

That is the biggest reason why Doflamingo is still alive now despite being Buggy's biggest rival in the underground business. Jester & Joker are 2 biggest names in Underworld. Although their market targets are different as Buggy targets the upper tiers and Doffy targets the lower tiers because he can't defeat Buggy's high-quality goods that are chased by the upper tiers.

Back in the human shop, The Straw Hats are still fighting the Guards. But suddenly, all the enemies pass out when a mysterious energy wave hit them. It takes everyone's attention and they look at the source which is an old man who has broken through the stage's back wall.

"So you're here, Rayleigh."

"Oh, Hatchan, long time no see. Are you on vacation?"

"Yeah, but some people tried to ruin it."

Rayleigh looks at Camie and now understands why Hatchan said that. "Well, it will get even more messed up." Rayleigh says that while looking at the unconscious Celestial Dragons.

"I know, that's why we need to leave before an Admiral comes."

"Right, but I still have a business. Straw Hat Luffy, I've wanted to meet you for a long time."

"Meet me? Do we know each other?"

"You don't know me, but I know you and wanted to meet you. I want to talk, but I think this is not a good place to talk, so let's move somewhere else. Hatchan, take them to Shakky's bar, I will go there first with the little mermaid."

Hatchan nods and they go out of the human shop, but many Marine soldiers have waited outside. Hatchan wants to take care of them, but 3 people move before him. They are the 3 Supernova Captains. Luffy, Law, and Kid.

Buggy isn't too interested in this because it won't even be a show. So he decides to do something about the Celestial Dragons. He moves stealthily and uses his awakened power to a piece of each of their hearts. Now he can kill them anytime he wants or needs.

Transcended as Lord Buggy-Part 3Where stories live. Discover now