476. Power of Friendship

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Everyone is relieved seeing Buggy finally finished his preparation. They immediately move to save their defeated crewmates and retreat before anyone dies of injuries. Some of them are gravely injured, after all, so they need to be treated immediately.

Cricket and Enel are retreating too, but they don't look very good now. They aren't injured, but their complexions are very bad. It's like they have severe anemia or a deadly illness seeing how pale they are now. Their crewmates even need to help them move because they are very weak.

Dela also looks tired, but her condition is much better than Cricket and Enel's. She only looks like someone who has just exercised until she runs out of gas. They were just sitting next to each other, but the 3 become very tired while Buggy is full of energy now.

It really makes Imu wonders what have they done just now. That's why Imu doesn't even try to stop the retreating Clown Pirates because he is very focused on Buggy who feels very different now despite looking the same. It makes Imu very wary of him.

"You sure have been rampaging when I couldn't fight you. Man, you better hope that you didn't kill any of my friends or I'll really fuck you up."

"What did you do?"

"Hmm? You start talking again after this long? Heh, it seems you were very lonely because you haven't said anything since your talk before our fight. Does your mouth feel sour for staying silent all this time?"

"Just answer my question, vermin! What did you do just now? Why do I feel something different in your body?"

"Doesn't want to chitchat, huh? Well, that's fine by me. But don't expect me to answer your damn question. You will see it soon anyway, so there's no point in answering that. Just know that after you saw it, you won't have much time left."

Imu frowns displeasedly, but he doesn't say anything else and just gets ready to fight Buggy again. He has lived for hundreds of years, so he knows when things are about to get bad. He can feel something dangerous from the current Buggy who gives off a very different feeling than before.

If the previous Buggy was just a threat that was quite troublesome, then the current Buggy is a dangerous threat that even makes him wary. He wasn't worried when fighting the previous Buggy even if it's not easy to win. But he could feel his life will be in danger if he fights the current Buggy, that's what Imu feels.

"Time to settle this, old fossil. Let me show you Clown Pirates' trump card. The true Power of Friendship."

Buggy's body suddenly glows brightly as it gets bigger. Imu widens his eyes when he sees blue scales suddenly appear on Buggy's skin. Then a pair of long horns appear along with a big & long tail as Buggy's fingers turn into claws and his teeth turn into fangs.

Imu is really shocked to see Buggy transforms into an Azure half-dragon. It really doesn't make sense to him because this is Cricket's ability and he has seen Cricket use it himself. But Cricket is still alive now and only looks very sick, so his devil fruit shouldn't be taken.

Then, another surprise unfolds in front of Imu as Buggy's half-dragon body is covered by lightning currents. Imu looks at the pale Enel with wide eyes because this is Enel's lightning ability. Buggy suddenly uses others' devil fruit abilities and Imu doesn't know how.

"H-how is this possible? Are you taking their devil fruits?"

"Don't be silly, you bastard. There's no way I would take their devil fruits because it would kill them. Besides, I would die as well if I consume other devil fruits. I am not that freak Teach who has a strange body. They just lend me their power, that's all."

Imu still doesn't understand for a while, but then he suddenly looks at Dela with widened eyes. He has a guess after hearing what Buggy said, but he knows Buggy won't confirm it even if he asks. So he just stays silent because he still needs to defeat Buggy no matter what anyway.

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