452. Giant Killing

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Buggy jumps around to evade the attacks of the 3 Admirals plus Sengoku and Garp. They aren't showing any mercy and attack with all their power. Every attack is devastating. They don't care anymore about Marineford's condition, it has been destroyed too much, after all.

However, none of their attacks hit Buggy because he can always dodge. He is always one step ahead of them, thanks to the future sight of his advanced Observation Haki. As he can see their attacks before they even move, Buggy can easily dodge their attacks.

He only needs to be wary of Kizaru's speed and Fujitora's strong Observation Haki. Though in the end, none of their attacks landed on him. Instead, their attacks destroy Marineford even more. Luckily, the other marines have run away after Buggy destroyed the plaza, so they don't hit their allies.

The pirates and marines that have retreated are in awe and disbelief now. Buggy keeps dodging at the last moment as if he is toying with them. Now that he is fully concentrating to dodge, no attack will land on him.

Buggy even uses their attacks to hit the marines who have retreated. He runs to their positions, making the Admirals' attacks hit the retreating marines. The marines try to escape, but most of them are still caught in the attack ranges.

Even when Buggy moves to the marine area, the Admirals still don't hold back in their attacks. It's because Fujitora assists the Marines using his Gravity power. He helps them get away and even though they still get caught by the attacks, the damage they receive is not much because they've gone quite far.

However, Buggy's strategy to bring the battle to the Marines' location has succeeded to scatter and scare them. He is creating chaos to give the pirates an easier time to retreat. The Marines know his intention, but they can't do anything about it because they are busy enough now.

Light beams, ice attacks, punches, shockwaves, and flying rubbles keep coming toward Buggy. But he dodges all of them, making the Admirals frustrated. Right now, they are just destroying their base instead of defeating their enemy.

On the shore, the pirates are getting on their ships while still being attacked by marines' guns and cannons. Though because of Buggy's action that creates chaos among marines, the attacks on the pirates have reduced significantly. It gives them an easier time to get on the ships.

It doesn't take long for them to get on the ships and Buggy is still holding on during that time. He is enjoying his game of cats and mouse. Of course, he is the mouse being chased by 5 cats. But he is a tricky mouse and the cats still can't catch him after so long.


Buggy looks at the port after Cricket calls him. He sees the Black Pearl is the only one left there while the other ships have retreated quite far. The Black Pearl is waiting for him, but he needs to shake the Admirals first before retreating.

He looks at the war between Big Mom Pirates and Red Hair Pirates that get assisted by his crew members. It still goes on because his crew members including Enel keep attacking Big Mom Pirates. This war almost stopped when Buggy destroyed Marineford's Plaza, but the Clowns kept attacking Big Mom Pirates to prevent the war from stopping.

Buggy grins while running to his ship and being chased by the Admirals. He doesn't even bother to attack them because his crewmates have taken care of it. They will shoot Black Pearl's railgun toward Marineford from such a close distance.

If it hits, then not only Marineford will be destroyed completely, a lot of Marines will be killed. That's why the 3 Admirals, Sengoku, and Garp stop pursuing Buggy. They need to block the railgun or the damage will be unimaginable.

The 5 of them along with Tsuru, Gion, and Chaton stand in the front. Other Vice Admirals stand behind them while the marine soldiers are commanded to lie on the ground. The Clown Pirates shoot their railgun and the lightning bullet flies at a very high speed toward the Marines.

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